Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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ngrccraciit to eiuiiuc for a year. Sigued by tlic Laird of Joliustoiic, and<br />

tliirty-four others, at tlic chaiiel of Dunwoodie, 2d Dccemljcr 157S, 36<br />

42. I'.ond by John Johnstone in Howgill, and fifty otht;r Johustoncs, to the eftVct<br />

that as John Johnstone of that Ilk, their chief and njastcr, had bonnd<br />

himself to the king and his lieutenant, at the last ju.stico court held in<br />

Dumfries, on behalf of the Johnstones, tliat they \Yould be answerable to<br />

the laws of tlic realm, and would satisfy all complaints against them, and<br />

he bad further promised to liberate their pledges, tluiy therefore oblige<br />

themselves that if any one of thorn, men, tenants or servants, commit<br />

any crime which may prejudice the said John Johastone iu keeping his<br />

bond, they shall apjirehcnd such per.~on and deliver him to punishment.<br />

Sub.scribcd at the Soutliwood foot, 3d Jaiuiary 157S-0, 37<br />

43. Bond by James Graham of Gillisbe for himself, hi.s men, tenants and<br />

tprvants, binding them iu maurent to John Johnstone of that Ilk, warden<br />

of the west marches of <strong>Scotland</strong>, to serve and obey him as true and<br />

faithful servant.s against all men, the king excepted. Loclnvood, 17th<br />

September 1579. Witues.?es, Walter Scott of Tushilaw, and others, 4<br />

44. Commission by King James the Sixth, becau.sc the oflice of wardenry of the<br />

west marches of <strong>Scotland</strong> is vacar.t iu the king's hands by the demissioJi<br />

of John, Lord Ilerries, last warden, and because the lieges there may be<br />

grievously oppressed by thieves and malcfaetoi's unless a remedy bo pro-<br />

vided, constituting and appointing John Johnstone of that Ilk warden of<br />

said marches within all the bounds of Eskdale, Ewesdalc, Wauchopedale,<br />

Annandale, Kithsdale and Galluwaj', up and down the Cree, also justiciar<br />

within the bounds, with full powers. Given under the great seal at<br />

Stirling, 27th Augu.st 1579, 40<br />

45. Offers of Submission made by Tiiomas Ker of Ferniehirst, knight. First,<br />

that he will acknowledge the king's authority, and be a faithful subject.<br />

Secondly, although he never meant to ofl'end the Earls of Jlorton and<br />

Angus, but for the service of one he followed at the time, yet being<br />

desirous to have tlieir goodv.'ill, he offers to come before them admitting<br />

his offences, and craving pardon. Thirdly, he offers the marriage of his<br />

eldest sou to be bestowed by their lord.^hips. Fourthly, he offers his<br />

perpetual bond,of manrent to the said earls, providing always that by<br />

their means he may have the king's pardon, and the benefit of the Act of

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