Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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. •. ." 'IH): A.SI.OAN MANL'SC];!!'!' AM) LAW ,S L'llKDXICLr.. xi<br />

tlio Aniijuidiilc peuv;iges luainiaiiied tlial tliis .\ilaiii Jolinstono \>;as Mu;<br />

common ancestor of the. Johu.stoiics of Jolniskiuc aiul Auiiaut-lale and llic<br />

Joliiistonc'3 of ^Vestelilal].<br />

In siqiport of that pi'L'teiision Kcveral Scottish cliroinclcs and liistorics,<br />

as well as family tradition and documeatary pi'oofs, were all arrayed to prove<br />

that a certain Matihuw Juhustone was the second son of Adam Joluistone of<br />

Johnstone, and also the predecessor of the Johnstones of Westerhall. The<br />

earliest of the chronicles refeired to is what is commonly known as tlie com-<br />

].i];Uion of John xVsloan, a notary pulilic, who made miscellaneons collections<br />

in prose and verse transcribed from Mf^s. towards the close of the reign of King<br />

James the Fourth, or before the year 151 i. But tlie collecLion only contained<br />

transcripts, and no original writs. The Asloan ms. having Lecu acipiirc-.d<br />

by Alexander Eoswell of Auchinleck in 1730, came to be known as the<br />

" Auchinleck Chronicle." Mr. Thc'mas Thomson printed privately a i'ew<br />

copies of poitions of Asloan's collections in prose about the year 1819. In<br />

an explanatory note b}' Mr. Thomsou he alludes to the errors of fact and of<br />

date, as well as those of trauscrlptioir, wliich the collecLion exhibits, lie<br />

explains that some of " the erroneous dates and accidental mistakes of tran-<br />

scription liave been rectified in his print. It is added that several known or<br />

suspected errors have been siifferecl to remain. The chronicle dees not evyu<br />

mention the name of Adam Johnstone of Jolmstone or of Lis alleged sou<br />

JlalXhcw, altliough it was ofll'red as evidence to prove the important fact of<br />

Lho paternity of Matthew as son of Adam. Such a confessedly erroneous<br />

chronicle was utterly v.-ortldess as legal evidence, and was rejected by tlie<br />

House of Lords as not admissible in evidence.'<br />

The next chronicle which was offered by Sir Prederic Jchiistoue to prove<br />

till' ]iatcrnity of ^Matthew as the son of Adam was a manuscript known as<br />

" Law's ]Manusc.ri])t," or "De chronicis Scotorum lire\'ia, l-'iL'l." It was pro-<br />

iluced at a meeting of the Committee of Privileges of the House of Lords on<br />

' Minutes of Evulence in Annaiulale i)CC-r.Tgo, 21st July 1S7G, p. 100.

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