Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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DECLl.NK.S TllK OFFICK Oi' VUKSIDEST, liUC. cccvil<br />

as honourable terms as I'onnerly. Aniiaiidale's stay in Kn;;lan(.l was loiii^er<br />

tlian lie liaJ intended. His purpose was to roUau to <strong>Scotland</strong> iu the<br />

beginning of December, but the lameness of a leg prevented hini.^<br />

In the beginning of 170G there appeared to be some pro.spect that Annan-<br />

dale would return to power. His name was much spoken of by the dificrcnt<br />

political parties in connection with various public otFices. A great deal of<br />

gossip passed upon the subject, and the ^Yhigs set him up as their chief man.<br />

Offers were made to him on behalf of the queen to continue president of the<br />

privy council. This, however, did not meet the washes of his loi-dship, who<br />

declined the offers. It was found difticult to procure another post to him.<br />

In a letter to Mr. Carstares, the Earl of Sea field says Lords Marlborough and<br />

Godolphin both asked him to continue in office, and Lord Loudoun, secretary,<br />

was sent to him by the queen, desiring him, as his lordship adds :<br />

" To let him know that she was willing to employ him in that station if he<br />

pleased, but he still refused, and the secretaries and I were unwilling to oblige<br />

him so far as give him any of our posts, but we were very willing to have served<br />

in conjunction with him. He is gone to the Bath, aiid lies this night at Mr.<br />

Johnston's house at Twittenham, where it is like new game may be projected.<br />

The Marquis of Montrose is made president of the council, and I liojie will be<br />

found very useful to her JIajesty in that station." -<br />

Annaudale remained at Bath till the month of Alay. Charles, fourth<br />

Earl of Traquair, in writing to Lady Mary Maxwell, his countess, observes,<br />

" Ther is a great crowd of company here already. My Lord Annandale makes<br />

the greatest figuir of any."^ Annandale antl his marchioness, who had been<br />

residing at Lochwood, were both at Craigichall, near (Jucensfeiry, by the<br />

beginning of September, when Laillio, in a letter to the marquis, congratulates<br />

him upon his safe ariiv;il. "Writing on Kltii Scptemlicr from that {)!ace<br />

' Aiin.iucl.ile to Levcii, 2oUi IJcceiiiber 9th March 1700, dratarca State I'ajieis,<br />

1705, vol. ii. of this work, p. 230. Annan- |). 7-i5.<br />

H.-ili- to BaiUio, loth January 17U0, -Jervis-<br />

wooil Cornsponlence, \>. 111. -' Letter, 4tli M.iy IT'iO, 'I'lic book of<br />

- The Earl of St-atitM to Mr. (ar>tari'5, Carlavcrock, \ol. u. [.. lOiJ.

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