Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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OS treasuicr to pnj' the waixK-u's wages, '\^'u li.nru ficiui tliis tliat he was<br />

not only hehl entitle 1 to a fee, hut also to keep up a garrison of horsemen<br />

for lliG service of his office at the expense of tlie government.' The order,<br />

liowever, does not state \vh;it llie amount of fee \xa3. Anotlier act autho-<br />

rised him as an oflieer of the crown to arrest and distrain the goods of<br />

certain persons who had lieen sureties foi- a prisoner named John Eatie, who<br />

liad hecu released from ward at Dumfiies under pledge for Ids returi!. This<br />

jiledge he had violated and v.as causing trouble in the district, while his<br />

f;\ireties v.-eie called npon to piay the penalty.^ Such pledges for persons<br />

liberated on bail and two others were given to the warden aliout this lime.<br />

Christy Armstrong of I'arngleis bound himself that certain pevsons of the<br />

'.lAme of Little should be forthcoming when required to answer to the<br />

complaints made against them on both sides of the border.^ A similar<br />

bond was given for Thomas Johnstone of Fiugland, who was allowed to go<br />

homo for five days, that; he M'ould enter liimself again in I.ochmaben,<br />

his sons AViUiam and Simon remaining within the town till his return, in<br />

addition to the caution given in the bond.* IJesides, there are various<br />

occasions on which Johnstone himself was held responsible for ttie appear-<br />

ance before the council of defaul!:ing members of his clan.-''<br />

On the last day of the year 1580, James Douglas, Earl of iiorton,<br />

formerly regent, was committed to ward on the charge of being accessory<br />

to the murder of King Henry Uarnley, and, as is well known, this led to his<br />

trial and execution six month? later. In Jiim Jolmstone lost a staunch<br />

supporter, and one who liad befriended liim in all his quarrels with his<br />

rival, Lord >.raxwell. "With the decline of Morton's influence Johnstone's<br />

enemies began to make head against him, and in the early part of the<br />

' E.ttract Act of CVuncil, 24th Sejitember ' lloml, dated Lockert'ie, Sih Kobiuary<br />

1.JS0; PiCgistor of Privy Council, vol. iii. p. 1.'>S0-SI, in Aiinandale Cliaitii-clRit.<br />

'ilC- ' lliii.l, dated Loelimal.eii, Hl^t Fi-liiuary<br />

- Act in Aimatiaal..Cliartcr-cliest; Rciji.-^ter 1."i.>nO-S!, /'./>/.<br />

1 I'rivy tVuiicil, vJ. iii. p. ol5. ' V^v^isl'ir oi Privy Cuuncil, vol. iii. j., .'jrr2.

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