Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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Iviii JOT[.\ JOHXSTOX-i:, Fii;.ST WaI'.OKX, 1524-l;"iC7.<br />

was issucil on 7tli Sopkiiibev l.r>50. TIil- llisl chm^e deccnKil tliat- I.orJ<br />

]\rax\Vfll wuh to havy possession of tlie lands of Castlennlk, wiUi the tower<br />

aiid placo thereof, paying to Johnstone as superior and as having a gift of<br />

the wnid and marriage of Use laird of Casl.leniilk, the sum of ior(;y-ioiir merks<br />

yearly, until Joluistone conld prove tliat Lord I\[ax'.vell or Ids father had<br />

ren; nuced the lease referred to in favour of the laird of Castlemilk.<br />

Aniong other subjects dealt with in the award vrcre (he teinds of Loch-<br />

mahen, from which, as belonging to Lord j\la\\VLdl, he was ordained to pay so<br />

much yeaily to Piubert Johnstone, son of tlie chief, who had obtained right<br />

to the benefice and parsonage of Lochniaben. Lord Maxwell was also adjudged<br />

to pay to Johnstone what was due of the escheated goods of Thomas Kirk-<br />

caldy, last parson of Lochmaben, in terms of a gift from the crown. It was<br />

also decerned that. Johnstone should enjoy the bailiery he formerly held over<br />

the lauds belonging to Lord Ilerries within Annandalc. Tiie arbiters conclude<br />

^vith a direction to both parlies to abide in friendsliip with each other.-<br />

The latest gift from the oowii ajipears to be a grant b}- Queen \rary and<br />

Darnley on IGlli August 15G,), of their thiid of the Abbey of Soulseat and<br />

tlie parsonage of Lochmaben-. Johnstone vras to iiplift for his own use the<br />

third of the crops for the years 15G-f-15C8, and further at the ro}al pleasure.-<br />

CllArTKi; FIFTH.<br />

IXatli of John .Johnstcne of that ilk—His v.-ill and testament—His personal estate—Eli/a-<br />

lictli Jauline, liis .irst ^vifo— Xicola Doui,]as, liis second ^^ife—His cliiklren— John, his-<br />

succe^fsor— llobert of l!aechiu-li anci other sons—His daughter.;.<br />

John Johnstone of Johnstone died on 8lli Kovenuber 1-jGT, as appears<br />

from his confirmed testament, lie made his will fit JJumfiics, 20Lh Decem-<br />

ber ]oG2. lie is designated '''ane ryct honoiabill man, Jiione Jhonestoun of<br />

' The particulars of this award are taken " Gift, IGth August lofio, signed by both<br />

trora a much worn copy in the Anuandale king and

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