Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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. EOUT OF SOLWAY Mii.ss, l."i-12. - xxxvii<br />

ftoiics, tl'-oiiyli oui? of tlieir lunuber was slain, wliile Paungo aud one of tlie<br />

Jloffiits wcic killed^<br />

'<br />

For irome reason not now known, Jolmstone incurred llic kinci's<br />

displeasure, and, in ^Marcli lail, was ordered to durance in the fortress<br />

of Dunil'Oiion. A nuniber of sureties bound themselves on his behalf that<br />

ho would rcmai\i in ward in the town of Dumbarton "under a penalty of<br />

10,000 mcrks. Ilis restraint was so far relaxed in the nrmth of May follow-<br />

ing that a mile round the town v.'as prescril.ied as his limit under a penalty<br />

of £10,000. lie remained still in confinement until the beginning of Decem-<br />

ber 15t-, when he was released to take a commaud on the borders.^<br />

He Y>'as thus still in Dumbarto]i at the date of the rout of Solway Moss,<br />

but that event no doubt led to his release. Only three days later a letter was<br />

issued Ijy the king in his favour, appointing him virtually warden of th.e<br />

west march in the absence of Lord Maxwell, who had been made prisoner.<br />

The couimission simply speaks of "the absence " of Lord ]\Iaxwell, and of his<br />

sou's " infirmeic," whereby the " west marclios and bordours of our realme ar<br />

destitiite of anc -wardan.c and gydcr." ll appoints Johnstone to see that "the<br />

cuutrfi be wele rewlit," aud due resistance be made to J^nglan.d, and all his<br />

servants and dependants were required to attend upon him in his new capacity.^<br />

The death of King James tlie Fifth, liowever, v/hich took place in the<br />

following mouth of December, somewhat changed the slate of affairs. I'be<br />

prisoners taken at Solway were liberated on certain conditions, and Lord<br />

Maxwell soon returned to <strong>Scotland</strong>, wlrile his son lujbert. Master of IMaxwell,<br />

went to England as a hostage in his stead. Before the latter left <strong>Scotland</strong><br />

he granted to Johnstone a bond of manrcnt, or rather a bond of maintenance.<br />

It narrated that Johnstone vras bound in nianrcnt to Lord iMaxwell ficfore<br />

the imprisonment of the latter, an oljligntion which was slill binding, and<br />

' Diurnal of Oci-umiits, jp, '2(1, 21.<br />

-<br />

"'<br />

Oiiyinal Loiter, 2,Stli Novciiibcr, vol. ii.<br />

rf tlii-j work, j.p. 3, 4, followed by auotlier<br />

- l[:iiiiihon raj.ers, vol. i. i';. 321-.321. datid 20th Xovcmbor 1542.

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