Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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^roiiswald upon Sir AYilliam Douglas of I[a\\-ick, cWest son of Sir James<br />

Douglas. Tlio secoml grandson of Sir William, Jamos Douglas, N\-as provided<br />

to ]\Ious\vald, and rlic Douglases of ]\IousNvald, as cadets of JJnimlanrig, con-<br />

tinued for upwards of a century, wlien Jlouswald passed into oilier Lauds.'<br />

i;kcext coNTiiir.rTioxs to tjD': iiisTor.y of the Eor.DEES.<br />

jiuriug the present century several important works have been prepared<br />

Leaving on the history of the Scottish Border abbeys, as well as on the noble<br />

;ind baronial families on both sides of the Borders. His Grace the late Duke<br />

of Buccleuch and Qneensberry, K.G., presented, in the year 1837, to the<br />

Bannatyne Club the " Liber de Slailros," in tvv'o volumes quarto. Tbe -work is<br />

illn.^trated with engravings of several of the ancient and beautiful charters,<br />

and al£0 many of the armorial seals still appended to them. The wealth of<br />

illuptration well entitled the work to the style of magnificent. Nine years<br />

later, in 184 6, His Grace the late Duke of Eoxburghe, K.T., presented to the<br />

sauic Club the " Liber de Calcliou," in two volumes cpiarto. That work included<br />

a facsiiuile of the beautiful charter granted by King lUalcolm the Fourth to<br />

the abl)ey, which contains in the initial letter of his Christian name two<br />

portraits in colours, which have reasonably been supposed to be representa-<br />

tioi'.s of the j'outhful JMalcolm and his gi-audfathcr, the venerable. King<br />

' TIr' ]>veseut owner it itouswald is Mrs.<br />

Iloid. Her eldest son, the late Jlr. .J. J.<br />

llcid, Queen's Remembrancer in E.^chequcr,<br />

wrote a paper on the " Barony of Moiis-<br />

"<br />

waiil, and Barons ; a page of I'-urder History<br />

[i'rdcieiliiijis of the Society of Antiquaries of<br />

Si-Mtlaiiil, lS6S-n, vol. xxiii. pp. 2-1-70], It 13<br />

ihiciiy derived from tlie information produced<br />

in tlic Loeaiity of Moffat in li>-i2, as appears<br />

liuMi tl'O numerous references tliroiigh-<br />

out. Ml. ilciiVs own ri'teaulici added to<br />

it rjr.kc his paper a very readable one ;<br />

altho-.igli, from the private Drumlaurig Papers<br />

to w-hieh he seeras to liave had nocesa,<br />

he animadverts too severely on Sir James<br />

Douglas as the guardian of the heiresses,<br />

without making comir.ent on the conduct of<br />

Cockpool. If the poor heiress liad followed<br />

the advieo of her legal guardian, slie might<br />

have had a better fate than that which slie<br />

met with in the home of her unele at C'um-<br />


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