Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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'<br />

[1560.<br />

incontrair tliair will, sua that thai be iioclit of sufficient power of tliauic selfis [to put<br />

orck'Uru] to liini, or to tak auj apprehend him quhoii [he] sail commit, ort'ence, then the<br />

saiJ JoLne oblissis him that he, wiih all that he may [convene, sal] pas, concur and<br />

assis;t with tharae in the [pcrsute] of that persouc [with all] diligence, sa oft as he<br />

salbe requirit be ony of [thame thairto] and sail help and supple thame thairin at his<br />

[vter power ; and if it chance slaueliter] to be committit, fyre lasit or vther disp!es[ouris<br />

done in] exccutiouu of the premissis and persewing, taking, apprehending and pvnissing<br />

of the samyn trespassouris, thair kin, freiudis and allya, will beir deidlie feid aganis<br />

ony persone being iu cum[pauy the tyiue of the doing thairof, in] that caice the said<br />

Johue oblissis him to tak ane afald part wuth that persone in his absence {sic 1. defence)<br />

aga[nis the beraris of that feid, and neuir to tra]nsact, compoue, nor r.ggre with thame<br />

sa lang as thai coutinew iu that mynd and without [the speciale avise of the partie<br />

and his saidis hale frein]dis ; and attoure he sail serue the wardane, alsweill at the<br />

dayis of trewis as at vther assembleis quhilkis salbc [deuisit be him, quhen euir the<br />

said] Johne Johnstoune salbe requirit thairto ; and finalie, to keip all vther pointis<br />

coiitenit in the said obligatioune. Our[e will is heirfoir and] wc charge yow straitlie<br />

and commandis that incontinent thir oure letteris sene, ye pas and iu oure name<br />

and autorite command and cli[arge] . . . Johnestonne of -Wamfra, James Jolmestoun<br />

of Corre, James Grahame of Gillisbie, Harbert Johnestoim of Powdene, Thomas<br />

Johuest[oun of Cr]agoburue, Gilbert Johncstoun in Corheid, James Johnestouu in<br />

the Kirktoun, Cuthbert Johnestouu in Loiikarbye, Robert Johnestoun in Xewtoun<br />

. . . Johnestoun in Elschescellis, Johne Johnestoun in Malingschaw, "Williame Johne-<br />

stoun in Brumehill, Eobert Johnestoun of Begyardis, Adamc Johnestoun in Bathok,<br />

Eobert Moflet iu Grantoun, and Thomas Moffet of Knok, and the remanent of the<br />

halo suiinanie of Johnestouis and all that duellis under thame, to convene, concur,<br />

assist, fortifye and serve the said Johue Johuestoun of that Ilk at all tymcs quhen<br />

he sail think expedient, and gif thame lauchfuU warnyng, for taking, apprehending<br />

or persewing of ony persone of thair suinianie or vtheris duelland vnder thame that<br />

salhappin to be dissobedient to cure lawis, or to committ onj' crymc or offence<br />

aganis om-e maicsties, oure realme or liegeis, sic as tressonc, thift, rcssait of thift,<br />

niurthcr, slauchter, rcif, fyrc rysing or vther enornie abhomiuablc crymes, and to tak<br />

anc afiiuld, leill and trew part with him thairin without dissimulatioun, feid or favoure,<br />

and to ansuer to him for sa mony as duellis within thair heretages, takkis, stediugis,<br />

rowmes and bailliereis, and to fulfill the said band maid be thame to him of befoir in<br />

all pointis, hedis and articlis, and to serve the wardane alsweill at dayis of trewis as at<br />

vther asfcmbleis, quhen thai salbe requirit thairto be him or the said Johne :<br />

Certifying<br />

thame and thai failyie heirin or to be fund negligent or dissobedient. to the said Johne<br />

in csecutioun heirof, thai s[albe] reput as plaine partakaris and assistaris to the said

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