Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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now settleJ as minister of Moffat. As tlie case was to come before the<br />

General Assembly at its meeting in August, Lord Johnstone prepared a<br />

statement of the case against George Buchanan. This statement contains<br />

a long catalogue of sins and crimes alleged against him. These include<br />

Sabbath profanation by gathering in tlie grain to the barnyard, frequent<br />

drunkenness, refusal lo baptize the cliild of a Covenanter, praying that the<br />

Covenanters might be converted or confounded, comparing them to Korah,<br />

Dathan and Abiram, and going to England as an informer against <strong>Scotland</strong>.<br />

For these causes Lord Johnstone asked condign censure on Buchanan.<br />

Before the case was considered by the church court, additions were made to<br />

tlie complaint against Buchanan, including simony, striking his parishioners<br />

for not taking off their bonnets to him, and instances of drunkenness too<br />

grotesque for repetition, with various other dclinrjueucies. Buchanan's deposi-<br />

tion wa.s confirmed b\- tlie General Assembly 2Gth August 1639, because he<br />

declined to obey the former Asserablj' and continued in his contumacy.^<br />

This parochial contest between the noble patron and the parson of Moffat,<br />

who rejoiced in the classical name of CJeorge Bucli;inan, was a symbol on a<br />

small scale of the great national struggle whicli then engaged the Covenanters<br />

and anti-Covenanters throughout <strong>Scotland</strong>.<br />

From the other case in the 1G3S Assembly, in which Lord Johnstone<br />

was specially interested, it will lie seen that ilr. George Buchanan was not<br />

the only minister of Moflat with whom his lordship had a variance. In the<br />

accusations against Mr. Buchanan above summarised, it is alleged that he<br />

was guilty of simony in having procured the benefice of iloffat through<br />

purchase or otherwise, from Mr. AVaUer AVhytford, tlie former minister of<br />

the parish. Lord Johnstone complained of Whylford for obtaining unduly<br />

leases of teinds of several lands in the parish, and thereby making his<br />

* Docnmeuts in Aunandalc Chavter-chcst. sterling on acconnt ot liis loj-alty aud suffer-<br />

After the Restoration he received, on 22d ings. [Acts of the I'arlianieuts'of <strong>Scotland</strong>,<br />

May ICOl, from Parliament a grant of £100 vol. vii. p. 234.]

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