Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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-xxiv JAMKS .lOnXSTuXK, YuUXCiKU, 147S-14SS.<br />

James llie "Tliii'd griuitei.l a eliarter in iavovir of " Joliii Johustoiie, son to<br />

James Johnstone," ol' tlie lands of Joliustoiie and otbcis. Xeitlier iliat<br />

charter uor the instriinieni of easinc folloNving upon it can now be fonnd in<br />

tlio Annandalc chaiti-r-chest. But in an invenlory of ttic i\nnandale muni-<br />

ments wliicli was carefully prepared in the year 17-tl, and is still the wijrkini;<br />

inventory of the estate nuininients, the rh.arter and sasine in favour of John<br />

Johnstone, son of James, are described in the following; entry:<br />

" Item, instrument of sasine proceeding upon a charter granted by the king<br />

in favours of John Johnstone, sou to Jraues Johnstone, of the lauds and tenement<br />

of Johnstone, Kirkpatrick-riceming, and Cauwavtshohn, \vith the pertinents, lying<br />

in the lordsliip of Annandale and sheriPfdom of Dumfries, dated 13th September<br />

1 IS-I. James Fawside, notary thereto." ^<br />

As stated in the preceding Jlemoir, John Johnstone of Johnstone<br />

mateiially aided the forces of King James the Third at the battle of Loch-<br />

maben on 22d July 1-tSl. The king liberally rewarded Kirkpatrick, the<br />

actual capturer of Douglas, as well as others who fought for their sovereign.<br />

As John Johnstone was one of the jnosl zealous of the rojal follo^vers,<br />

he received from King James the Third a new cro^vn charter of the family<br />

estates in favour of his grandson, John Johnstone, son of James Johnstone,<br />

so named only, and not of Johnstone. On that charter sasine was taken<br />

on 13Lli September HS-i, being only about two montlis after the battle<br />

of Loclimaben. The original charter is nov/ lost, having probably been<br />

burned in the great conSagratiou of Lochwood Tower in the following<br />

centur}-, but no don 't it contain.ed advantages as to the terms of the hold-<br />

ing and the crov.-n rents. Jolm, the grandfather, was at the date of that<br />

charter, in 148-1, far advanced in years, and he had desired that the king<br />

' Original large folio inventory iu Annandale<br />

C.'harter-cliCit. Two imiierfcct coiiies of<br />

deleted and corrected to J.nnics, .ind James<br />

deleted and corrected to Joliu.— [Minutes of<br />

that entry were juoduccd from the AVe?ter- Annandale I'eer.agc Evidence, 1S77, pp. 24S,<br />

hall Cliarter-chcst. One of those entries is 2SC.]<br />

so inaccurate as to have the name of John<br />

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