Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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ro'TcUcJ the loss wliich botli the couipau)- and the nation liad su.^tainci-l, and<br />

eu"a"od that his subjects of Scothuid should have the same i'lccdoni of com-<br />

incvco with the English plantations they ever had formeily.^<br />

l\ing WiHiam intended to be present in the eighth session of his first<br />

liarlianienl held afc Edinburgh on 21st ]\Iay 1700, but the state of public<br />

business prevented him. James, Duke of Qucensberry, was appointed com-<br />

missioner. After a short session, parliament was adjourned, and met again<br />

on 29lh October 1700, which began their ninth session, and continued to sit<br />

till 1st February 1701. Annaudale was present in the parliament at its<br />

opening on 21st May 1700. He went to court in the following month of<br />

June. The Duke of Queensberry found it difficult to manage parliament<br />

alone, and desired that Argyll and Annaudale should attend, adding "for it's<br />

not possible that I can doe anything alone." -<br />

Murray of riiiliphaugh, lord justice clerk, .states that the commissioner<br />

had bid him tell ilr. Carstares " that it is iudispeusalily necessary that<br />

Argyll and Annaudale come here quickly, for not only may their presence,<br />

being men of great quality aud sense, add life and vigour to the government,<br />

but several of the king's servants here are jealous of their being at court." ^<br />

In a previous letter Queensberry states that he had represented to the king<br />

the desire of Annaudale to be a marquis, but it could not be granted without<br />

at the same time gratifying others,'* which, could not be done at the time.<br />

Annaudale returned to Edinburgh bj- 31st July.'' He wrote to Jlr. Carstares<br />

from Holyruod-liouse that he had been much occupied with his daughter's<br />

marriage, the council week, aud interviews with the secretaries.*' Annaudale<br />

points out the great licat and ferment still raised by the African comjiany,<br />

but he was determined to show vigour aud fidelity in the king's service.<br />

' SLal'iL-ld to Anuaiulalc, 2il Koveiiibcr ^ 'JUtli June 1700, liu/. ij. 53S.<br />

h"iOO, vol. ii. of tliio work, ]). ISO.<br />

'" Litter of tb.it ilate, ihUl. j). 5S3.<br />

'•<br />

Ult..r, ^' 20t!i Jmic 1700, ibid. p. 207. lOtli Suijttmbi.r 1700, ihhi. p. CIO. 4tli<br />

"• lOtb June 1700, Carstarts St.itt.ra[.cis, Kovcuibur 1700, ihil. \: 070. (Cf. 21st<br />

1' 529. Koveiiibcr 1700, ibid. \

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