Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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[1C03.<br />

striun of thnt Ilk, knyclit, and liis airis, againes all men, the kinges nuiieate allancrlie<br />

being except, in all aetio\ines the said Rcbir James lies preseutle ado or sail liawe in<br />

tyme cuming ; and for the quhilk cans I, the said Scliir James, bindis and oblisis me,<br />

my iiiris, to mentcinc and dcbait the said France A rrastrang and his aids in all thair<br />

actiounis leiffull and honest ; and for the mair suir keiping heirof I, the said France,<br />

bindis and oblisis me and my foirsaidis to keip and furthfill tldr prcsentis, and to be<br />

faithfull and vprycbt to the said Schir James and his foirsaidis, vnder the pane of<br />

pcriurri&, opin tressonc and tynsell of perpetuall credit and honestie for ever ; And<br />

siclyk I, the said Scliir James, bindis and oblisis me to keip tbis present band vnder<br />

the panes foirsaid for my part ; and gewe neid beis baitht I, the foirsaid Schir James,<br />

and France Armstrang, bindis and oblisis vs, as is foirsaid, to renew this band sua oft<br />

as is ueidfnll. In witues of the quhilk we hav,-e subscryuit thir prcsentis witht our<br />

baudis, at Lokcrbe, the sex of Feberuiry, ane thousand sex bonder tlirie yeiris, beflbir<br />

thir witnessis, Watter Scott of Tuschalaw, Patrik Portcous of Halkschaw, William<br />

JoLnston, sone to Mongo of Lokerbe, James Johnstoun, noter and vryter of the<br />

samiu. Joiin'stouxe.<br />

I, Fkanc Aemsteaxg foirsaid, witht my hand<br />

at the pen led be James Johnstoun, noter,<br />

PatrQc Portwse oiT Halkschaw, witnes. at my command, because I could uocht vryt<br />

Willyam Jbonstouu, witues. my selff.<br />

I, Water Scott of Tuschalaw foirsaid, \\ itnes,<br />

with my hand at the pen led be James<br />

James Johnstoun, noter, witnes. Johnstoun, noter, at my command, etc.<br />

78. Notarial Insthument narrating the removal of Elizabeth Stewart, Lady Newbie,<br />

from the Tower of !Newbie, and her discharge to the Laird of Johnstone. 2d<br />

January 1 GOo.<br />

At Newbie, the secund day of Januar 1G05.<br />

The quhilk day, Elizabet Stewart, Lady Xeube, hes vpou her avin motywe vill<br />

reraouit hir sclff, hir baruis, guiJis and geir, with kestis and insycht, furth of the towir<br />

of Xeube into the leuche hall, quhilk sche allegit to be seasit iutill, and na geir left in<br />

the towir except tua chaple bcdds in the heche hall and fywe stand bcddis in the heche<br />

chambers, without ony furaesing, togiddcr with ane counter burd, ane ganieell in the<br />

leuche seller without ony victuell, and hes promcist to be countable for hir fywe<br />

youngest dochters to the Lard Johnnestouii ; lykas he hes oblist Liraselff to^ be<br />

assurable to the counsaill bayth for the hous and the barnis : And siclyke hes grantit<br />

the Lard Johnnestoun, his freyndis and seruandis, lies intromittit with na geir that

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