Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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The lauds aud tower were disposed of by tlm Aiiiwudale family to an Irving, a<br />

banker in Aunan. From liis trustees Stapleton was acquired by its present proprietor,<br />

John A. CriteUley, Esquire.<br />

COi;rJE OR LUN.'<br />

The lands of Corrie, -wlncli are situated in the united parishes of Corrie and Htittun,<br />

were the possessinu of the Corries of Corrie from the twelfth centrny. They were<br />

acquired by the Johnstones in the beginning of the sixteenth century. On 27th<br />

October 1516 James Johnstone of John.stone received a crowu charter of the forty<br />

shilling land of Lund aud others, which Robert Lord Maxwell personally resigned.<br />

The tower of Liin, which had been tlic residence of the family of Corrie, was, accord-<br />

ing to tradition, burned by the Cells ^ about this time, aud never rebuilt, and there is<br />

no evidence that it was ever inhabited by the Johustoncs. The .site of the tower now<br />

forms a part of the farm of Corriemains. The ruins give evidence that the tower had<br />

becu a considerable erection. It was built of common whinstone. The south gable,<br />

which is about thirty feet high,, is all that now rciaains of the building.<br />

The Tower of Luu is situated on a bond of the riwr Milk, about a mile to the<br />

east of Corrie water, at its junction with the Milk at the farm of Balstack. It is<br />

surrounded on throe sides by the river. Its situation, altliough low-lying, is very<br />

beautiful, aud commands fine viev.s up and down the river. The natural earth<br />

terraces between the tower or castle and the river are about twenty feet in height, and<br />

contributed to make it a place of considerable strength.<br />


On IGth June 1357, confirmati'_'n was granted by Piobert, steward of <strong>Scotland</strong>, as<br />

lieutenant of King David the Second, of a gift by John of Corry to Roger of Kirk-<br />

patrick of the lauds of AVanii)hray. ' A century later Wamphray was in the i)Osscssiou<br />

of Sir. Robert Crcichtoun of Sanquhar, who in 1-150 received a crown charter of the<br />

fivc-merk land of ^^'amphray.5 Soon after this Wamphray came into the hands of the<br />

Johnstones of Johnstone, as on 2i!d November 147C, James Johnstone of Johnstone<br />

' Lun is contracted froru Lunnclly. queutly, these Bells carried ofT the d.inglitcr<br />

- Register of the Great Seal, vcpI. iii. No. of Corrie from Lunnelly.<br />

90, jip. 20, 21. * Cliarters of this \sork, p. II.<br />

' They were c.iUcd of ElackwooJ House, ' Register of the Great Seal, vul. ii. No.<br />

near Kirtlebridge, and either then, or siibsc- SSS, p. 10.

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