Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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NXN-iir- • J.\Mi:S JOnX.STONE OF JOn.XSTOXJ:, ];"00-152.J.<br />

ill 15(i'j Kirhj'ntnek ^^uell Joluistoiio for tlic ciniouut, wliicli lie vras adjudged<br />

U) pay, but the money was still m)]iaid at Ids deatli, a few iiionths later.^<br />

Tlie last appearance on record of Sir Adam Johnstone is as a witness to<br />

a charter hy John, Lord IMnxwell, granting various lands 1o the arehliishop<br />

of Glasgow, dated at Edinbuiijh, 2d May luOO.- In that cliarler Johnstone<br />

is described as a knight.<br />

Sir Adam Johnstone died between 2d May 1509 and 2d November same<br />

year, on which date James Johnstone, liis son and heir, received a charter of<br />

the lands of Johnstone and others.'' j\Iarioii Scott, who is named as the<br />

wife of Sir Adam Johnstone in 150.', v. as tlie widow of Archibald Carrnthers<br />

of Mouswakl, who was alive in Ji:ne 1481.^ Slic survived her second<br />

husljand, and was alive in ilarch irill.-' Sir Adam Johnstone hail issue, so<br />

far as is knottn, tv.-o sons: first, James, v.'lio succeeded him, and of whom a<br />

memoir follows; second, ATilliam, who, in a lease by John Lindsay of<br />

Covington, of date 9th ]\Iarch lolP-SO, is dpsciibed as brother of James<br />

Johnstone of that ilk. No other mention of "William has been found, and<br />

he is not named in tlie entail of the Johnstone lar.ds made by his nephew in<br />

l.Vl:?, and as no descendants of William are knov,-n to exist, the probability<br />

is iJiat he died without issue.<br />

XI.— tlAMES JOllXSTOXt OF JOliNS'JO^E.<br />

j\L\i:v M.\xv.T,Li. ((jf ^MAXvrKLL), in.s Wife.<br />

i:i09-lo24.<br />

'J'his James Johnstone is fust mentioned in 1-aOt, ^^ilen he and his father<br />

ajipcar as mutual pledges for each other. He does not again occur on<br />

record until November 150D, when, after his father's death, he received from<br />

• nth March 1510-11. Minutes of £vi- 3 IJegistnim Magui Sigilli, voJ. ii. No. 33S2.<br />

(Iciicc ill Annaiidale Tecrago (ISTU), ji. tiS. * Ihid. No. 15S7.<br />

'' 11th March 1510-1]. Minutes of Evi-<br />

^ llegistrum Magni Sigilli, vol. ii. No. Sliljil.

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