Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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pereiuptui't-lie aiiswcrit that tliay will insiat in tlio pcrsutc of justice; but con-<br />

cerning the otiier pairt of ourc commandimcnt whiche wes to do justice yf it wer<br />

requirit, we understand notliing bot a delay, which causeth us to wounder tliat<br />

with a pcrsone alreddy convictit and by ouro lawi.s condemned, you sould use suche<br />

defTerring of the executioun of oure couimandinieiitis. It is thairfoir oure pleasour<br />

that you proceedo to the dew administratiouu of justice in this caisc according to<br />

the ordour, except the pairty interest require a delay or directlie plead for mereye :<br />

And withall we will and recjuire you that in all tyme comeing in suche materis<br />

whairin we salbe pleasit to signifie oure pleasour, that you nather borrow nor len<br />

with ourc cominandimentis, but drrectlie proccid to the executioun thairof. Whiche<br />

persuading oursellT you will do, we bid you fairweill. At our pallice of Whyte-<br />

hall, the fourte of May 1613." ^<br />

On ISth ]May the council issued a warrant for the execution of Lord Max-<br />

well to the provost and bailies of Edinburgh. E}' that warrant he was to be<br />

taken from the tolbooth to the luarket cross on tlie 21st and to be beheaded.<br />

Lord Maxwell was at once apjjrised of the decision of the king and council.<br />

On the day fixed upon he was brought to tlie scnffold, where he acknowledged<br />

the justice of his sentence, asked mercy from God on account of his sins,<br />

and expressed the desire that the king vrould accept Iiis punishment as an<br />

atonement for his ofl'ences, and restore his brother and house to the rank<br />

and place of liis predecessors. He also craved forgiveness first from James<br />

Johnstone of Johnstone, bis mother, grandmother, and friends, whom be<br />

acknowledged lie had wronged, although without dishonour or infamy " for<br />

the worldlie pairt of it " ; and then from I'ollok, Caldorv.'ood, and his other<br />

friends present, to whom lie ];ad coutrib\ited harm and d'scredit, instead of<br />

safety and honour. After giving himself to devotion, and taking leave of<br />

his friends and the bailies of the town, Lord Maxwell placed his head upon<br />

the block, and was executed. His lordship was buried in the cemetery of<br />

Xev/battle Abbey.-<br />

> Registci- of the Privy Council, vol. x. 3i3. Newbattlc Abbey is the property of<br />

pp. 44, 4o. tl'S Lotliiau family, and it was prob.ably<br />

2 The Book of Carlaverock, vol. i. pi.. 3-J2, througli the iufluenoe of Margaret Maxwell,

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