Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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JOHN .iu]ixstoNj-; ok JOHX.STONK, llDl-HOS. xvii<br />

Johnsto)!'? of Uiat illc, as his I'lollier, Lut lu/ihiiig furtlier is liirovni ol'liis<br />

history, and he also aiHiaiently died wiLhoiit issue.<br />

b. William, who apparently possessed or occupied the lands of Upper BrylT-',<br />

and who is referfcd to I'^twccn 1475 aiid 1481 as then deceased. His<br />

eldest brother, John, was in possession of these lands after the death of<br />

William Johnstone, who apparently died without issuc.^<br />

YJII.<br />

—<br />

John Joiixstoxi; of Joiixstoxe, 1454-140".<br />

'I'lie position cif tlii.s liead and eliief of the Johnstone family, as veil<br />

as ih.il of his ehlcvt son, Jainos Johnstone, lias been inisundersLood. It<br />

lias been slated that John Jolinstone was iufeft in tlifi lauds of Joluhslone in<br />

1455, that he died on or before 13th September 14S4, and tliat he was<br />

succeeded by his son, Jaines Johnstone of Johnstone, who did not long<br />

.survive liis father, having died before May 14 38.-'' To prove tiiat James<br />

Johnstone was the eldest son of John Johnstone of Johnstone, and that<br />

he had sasine of tlie lands of Johnstone in 1484, reference is made to an<br />

iustrument of sasine dated 13tli September 1484. In a modern pedigree of<br />

the family of Johnstone, dated ITGCi, produced by Sii- llarcourt Johnstone<br />

on 4lh ^\pril 1S78, it is stated that John Jolinstone was not piTsont at the<br />

fiunous battle of Arkin, near Langholm, as it is .supposed that lie was attend-<br />

in,:; hi.s fallicr Adam, tlien on his deathbed.^ These statements are Cjuitc at<br />

variance with the ascertained facts relating to this John Johnslone and his<br />

eldest .son Janics.<br />

The fust notice of John occurs on 8th November 11,' 8 as witness to a<br />

liotaiial instrument relating to the marriage of Cluu'les Murray of ]ie\e!, in<br />

which he is designated John Jtihniloue, son and heir of Johnslone of that<br />

i!k. As he must have been of age to be a witness to such a formal instru-<br />

' MmutesofEviJeuce, Anuand.ilo Peerage, Johnstone uf Wc>torhan, Earoiict, 1ST;">, I'p-<br />

^!^:G), p. 90. 9, SO.<br />

* Jbid. 18S0, vol. ii. p. 1002. • Minutes of Kvi.leiice in Aunaiul.ilc Peer-<br />

' t'.ise for Siv Frederic John Willi.im age^). 7U, No. 331.<br />

VOL. 1. C<br />


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