Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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LOUn i\rA.XWKT,L COXDKMNED TO HEATH, 1600. civ<br />

to lake him alive or dead. The king wrote to the coinicil to make diligent<br />

search for his resetters. Letters of horuing were raised against hira by<br />

Margaret Scott, Lady Johnstone, cider, Sara Ma.wvell, Lady Johnstone,<br />

younger, relict of Sir James, and James Johnstone the son. Agues and<br />

Elizabeth Johnstone the daughters, and three other near relatives, and also<br />

by the lord advocate for the king's interest. Proceedings were taken against<br />

the town of Dumfiies and against certain persons for resetting him, and<br />

in tlie case of the former, for demonstrating in his favour.'<br />

Lord ]\laxwell baflled all the eftorts made to capture him, and escaped to<br />

rrance.- It was then resolved to try hira in absence. On SGtli January of<br />

the following year a summons of treason and forfeiture was issued against<br />

him to appear before parb anient on 12th April to answer for his crimes.<br />

HoTjiing was relaxed against him that he might be free to appear.^ I'arlio.-<br />

meut met and adjourned. On the 17tb dune when it again met the summons<br />

was read, Lord Maxwell was called three times at the tolbooth window by<br />

the Lyon Herald and his colleagues, and upon his failure to appear the<br />

execution of his summons was verified. On 24th June the trial was resumed,<br />

and his lord&liip was again called three times as before without his appearing.<br />

Whereupon, the summons was found relevant, witnesses were examined, and<br />

his lite, goods, lands, tenements, dignities, offices, rights, and all other things<br />

belonging to him, were confiscated. His lauds were afterwards parcelled out<br />

among court favourites.<br />

Wearied with ecile and finding that he was closely searched for in France,<br />

Lord Maxwell returned to <strong>Scotland</strong> in March 1612 broken down in health<br />

Avith his wanderung life. Here, however, he was more closely pursued than<br />

abroad. A commission was appointed to effect his apprehension, and pro-<br />

' Kegiater of the Privy Council, vol. viii. "Lord Maxwell's Good-night." Vi'h Book<br />

pp. 70, 83, 8.5, SG, 90, 1G9, 500, 7G9-773, etc. of Cailaverock, vol. i. pp. 314-316.<br />

•> Register of the Privy CouDcil, vol. viii.<br />

» His lordship's flight is celebrated in a p. 781. Book of Cailaverock, vol. i. pp. 316,<br />

b.-illad written about th;.t time entitled 317.

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