Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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CHAnT-R FOUr.TH.<br />

The Earl's niarria;;e with Lady ^Margaret noniilton, 1G17—C'omimitc? titlie payments due to<br />

the Crown—Provides a permanent residence for liiniself in EJinlrtiri.di, 1G4S—His<br />

visits to variou, pait.s of the countrj-, 1G50—Deatli of liis Couuto.-s, 1G.J2 — His purchases<br />

of laud and consolidation of his estates—])eath of the Earl, March KioS—His<br />

children. -<br />

Elizabeth Jolmstoiie, Couutcss of Ilartfell, tlie Earl's secoud wife, appears<br />

not to have long survived their marriage in 1C43. There is no evidence of<br />

the exact date of her death, but she died before January 1G47 ; for on the<br />

30th of that month the Earl of Havtfell conti'acted his third marriage. His<br />

spouse on this occasion was Lady ^fargarefc Hamilton, daughter of Thomas,<br />

first Earl of Haddington, ami widow of David, Lord Carnegie. James, Lord<br />

Johnstone, is a consenting party, and takes a principal part in the contract<br />

for carrying out the obligations to Lady Carnegie. On her part the con-<br />

seuters were her nepliew, John, fourth Earl of Haddington, her uncle, and<br />

other relations. Lady Carnegie was to be iufeft in the Mains and house of<br />

Xewbie, or if she preferred, in an annuity of 2000 mej ks, with another liferent<br />

annuity of 4000 nierks; while as tocher she brought to the earl the liferent<br />

use of her terce lands, whicli were Colluthie, Cruvie, and Segy, also Leucliars-<br />

Kamsay, and the castle of Leuchars, but into this she only came after the<br />

death of her father-in-law, David, Earl of Southesk.' Besides the contracting<br />

and consenting parties already named, the contract is signed by many noble-<br />

men and friends connected with tlie two families of Johnstone and Carnegie<br />

of Scuthesk.- The marriage itself took place on the day after the signing of<br />

tlic contract."<br />

As was done by a number of other large landoN\ners in <strong>Scotland</strong>, the Earl<br />

of Hartfell in this year commuted the ainuial tithe payment due to tlie<br />

» He survived the Earl of Harlf.ll.<br />

- Original contract in Aunaiid.ale Charti-r-cliest.<br />

^ History of the Carne^^Mes, Karls of Suutlusk, vol. i. p. 11.'!.<br />

VOL. L 2 C

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