Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland

Volume 1 - Electric Scotland


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2. Instructions to }iim in a large parclimeut, consisting of 32 articles, and<br />

many paiticiilar instructions.<br />

3. A commission for a council of five, very ample, to Arran, Annandale, Ross,<br />

Sir James jMoutgomerie ; and whether the fifth was blank, or Argyll's name filled<br />

up in it, Annandale could not remember.<br />

4. A commission of council, wherein the Duke of Hamilton and most of the<br />

old privy council were named, aud a blank for the council of Five.<br />

5. A commission for the session, wherein are named Sir James Ogilvic,<br />

Sir "William Hamilton, and many others.<br />

G. A commission of justiciary.<br />

7. A commission for Jaiues Stewart to bo lord advocate.<br />

8. A general indemnity, six persons only excepted—the Earl of ]\Ielvill, Earl<br />

of Leveu, L. G. Douglas, ]\Iajor G. ]\Iackay, Sir John Dalrymple, the Bishop of<br />

Salisbury.<br />

9. A great many letters written with the late king's own hand, aud above<br />

forty superscribed by him, to be directed and delivered as the council of five<br />

should think fit.<br />

10. A letter to three that sent tiie message.<br />

11. A particular letter to Annandale, aud a commissiou to command the<br />

castle of Edinburgh, -with a patent to be a marquis.<br />

12. A commission to Sir James Jlontgomerie to be secretary, and a patent to<br />

be an earl.<br />

13. The Lord Eoss had a patent to be an earl, and a commission to be<br />

colonel of the horse-guards.^<br />

Amiaudale's confession further explaius that the papers were all taken<br />

- to Lord Arrau's chambers in Ilolyroodhouse, and examined. Afterwards<br />

the principal of them were taken to Lord Breadalbane's chamber, and<br />

examined by the JLarquis of Atholl, the Earl of Eroadalbane, aud others,<br />

where the three leaders were much blamed "for thinking that it was pos-<br />

sible to doe King James bussiues in a parlimeutarie way ; and that in place<br />

of thos popers, we ought to have sent for ammunition, and arms, and soni<br />

forces, if they could be obtained." The papers received from King James<br />

1 Lcveii and Melvill Papers, pp. 500, 510. "The Enrl.loni of Air \v.a3 coDfeirecl upon<br />

Montgomery." [Dalrymple's Memoirs, 1700, vol. iii. p. 11.]

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