Installation and User's Guide

Installation and User's Guide

Installation and User's Guide

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Client defined options are defined in the dsm.opt file. The Tivoli Storage Managerserver can also define some options in a client options set, or as part of the optionsparameter of the schedule definition. The Tivoli Storage Manager server can alsoset some options globally for all clients. By default, the client setting for theseoptions is honored. If the global override on the Tivoli Storage Manager server isset, the client setting for the option is ignored. Defining client options as part ofthe schedule definition is useful if you want to use specific options for a scheduledaction that differ from the option settings normally used by the client node, or aredifferent for each schedule the node executes.The schedmode option controls the communication interaction between the TivoliStorage Manager client <strong>and</strong> server. There are two variations on the schedule mode:client polling <strong>and</strong> server prompted.Return codes from preschedulecmd <strong>and</strong> postschedulecmdscriptsThis topic lists the return codes that you might see when you use thepreschedulecmd <strong>and</strong> postschedulecmd options.vvIf the comm<strong>and</strong> specified by the preschedulecmd option ends with a nonzeroreturn code, Tivoli Storage Manager considers the comm<strong>and</strong> to have failed. Inthis case, neither the scheduled event nor any postschedulecmd orpostnschedulecmd comm<strong>and</strong> runs. The administrative query event comm<strong>and</strong>with format=detailed option shows that the event failed with return code 12.If the comm<strong>and</strong> specified by the postschedulecmd option ends with a nonzeroreturn code, Tivoli Storage Manager considers the comm<strong>and</strong> to have failed. Theadministrative query event comm<strong>and</strong> with format=detailed option shows that theevent completed with return code 8, unless the scheduled operation completedwith a higher return code, in which case the higher return code takesprecedence. Therefore, if the scheduled operation completes with return code 0or 4 <strong>and</strong> the postschedulecmd comm<strong>and</strong> fails, the administrative query eventcomm<strong>and</strong> shows that the event completed with return code 8. If the scheduledoperation completes with return code 12, that return code takes precedence, <strong>and</strong>query event shows that the event failed with return code 12.When interpreting the return code from a comm<strong>and</strong>, Tivoli Storage Managerconsiders 0 to mean success, <strong>and</strong> anything else to mean failure. While this behavioris widely accepted in the industry, it is not 100% guaranteed. For example, thedeveloper of the widget.exe comm<strong>and</strong> might exit with return code 3, if widget.exeran successfully. Therefore, it is possible that the preschedulecmd orpostschedulecmd comm<strong>and</strong> might end with a nonzero return code <strong>and</strong> besuccessful. To prevent Tivoli Storage Manager from treating such comm<strong>and</strong>s asfailed, you should wrap these comm<strong>and</strong>s in a script, <strong>and</strong> code the script so that itinterprets the comm<strong>and</strong> return codes correctly. The script should exit with returncode 0 if the comm<strong>and</strong> was successful; otherwise it should exit with a nonzeroreturn code. The logic for a script running widget.exe might look like this:run ’widget.exe’if lastcc == 3exit 0elseexit 1220 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows Backup-Archive Clients: <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>User's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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