The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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maintain his position as a reluctant, but necessary, neutral. Britain would

have to find a way through this current crisis without the United States.

At around midnight on 16 May, Neville Chamberlain returned to his diary.

A deeply troubling day had just got worse. Churchill had returned from

France and clearly the situation there was worse than he had thought.

‘Terrible message from Winston,’ he scribbled. ‘Effect is next three or four

days decisive unless German advance can be stayed. French army will

collapse and BEF will be cut off. Decided to throw in more air forces


For Air Chief Marshal Dowding, the Commander of Fighter Command,

this was terrible news, for those air forces were fighter aircraft, precious

Hurricanes that would all too soon be desperately needed at home. Britain’s

air war had completely lost its direction. Urgent priorities needed to be

made. Fast.

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