The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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considerations, long-term plans, four-engine heavy-bomber projects – all

were to be put to one side.

Within the first few days, Beaverbrook had established a new ministry

that was like no other, and which was mostly funded by himself. The

Supply Committee had been a sign of progress but it was still yet another

committee of multiple people which needed consensus before anything

could be agreed. Beaverbrook didn’t like committees. In his office he had

two notices. One said, ‘Committees take the punch out of war’, while the

second read, ‘Organization is the enemy of improvisation.’ The buck

stopped with him; he liked to be informed and then he made his decision.

Scientists, businessmen, industrialists – men he respected and trusted –

were all brought in and given loose job titles. ‘They are all captains of

industry,’ Beaverbrook explained, ‘and industry is like theology. If you

know one faith, you can grasp the meaning of another.’ There was little

hierarchy, and Beaverbrook used his closeness to Churchill and his force of

personality to cut through tedious red tape. Nor did he much like memos

and letters for conducting business; the telephone was quicker. And while

he was gracious to a point with men like Dowding, he was happy to make

enemies should it be necessary. Nothing was to get in the way of speeding

up aircraft production. Nothing at all.

Feldmarschall Hermann Göring had put one of his closest buddies in

charge of the vitally important job of overseeing aircraft production, and so

too now had Churchill. Whether this diminutive press baron, with his great

experience, drive and authority, could achieve all that he, Churchill, and

Dowding dearly hoped remained to be seen. But one thing was not in doubt:

in almost every respect, the Canadian was the German’s superior for the


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