The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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westward dash

1st Panzer Division

at Canal Line

at Chémery

dash to channel

sent to Dunkirk

2nd Panzer Division

attacks Boulogne

dash to channel

demands Calais surrender

to Dunkirk

5th Panzer Division at Dinant

at Meuse

6th Panzer Division [Reinhardt]

Panzer Corps Reinhardt

6th Panzer Grenadier Regiment

crosses Meuse

7th Panzer Division (Rommel)

7th Armoured Reconnaissance Regiment

7th Rifle Regiment [of 7th Panzer]

advancing through Champagne

and BEF counterattack

at Meuse

at Dinant

at Weygand Line

for invasion 2nd wave

near Lille

takes Cambrai

see also Rommel

10th Panzer Division [Guderian]

Panzer Corps Guderian

and Meuse bridgehead

crosses Somme

reaches Abbeville

to Calais

Panzer Corps Hoth

Panzer Corps von Wietersheim

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