The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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he believed, if Churchill was PM while he, as Foreign Secretary, acted as a

restraining influence from within the Cabinet. Yet while someone who felt

sick at the mere thought of becoming PM was possibly not the best

candidate, Halifax was aware of his own more pertinent shortcomings: he

was not particularly interested in military matters; nor did he know much

about them. Churchill, on the other hand, loved war and warfare and all

matters military; he always had done and had a fine war record that had

prompted talk of Victoria Crosses on more than one occasion. He had

served at Omdurman, and in South Africa during the Anglo–Boer War,

during which he had daringly escaped from captivity while a prisoner of

war. Unlike Halifax, Chamberlain, or even Hoare and Simon, Churchill had

served in the First World War too, commanding his battalion on the Western

Front after resigning from Government in 1915.

The first hurdle over the succession was thus decided. Chamberlain left

Halifax and Churchill to have a pot of tea together while he waited for the

Labour delegation of Attlee and Greenwood to arrive. They did so at 6.15

p.m. Despite what he had said earlier about resigning, Chamberlain, still the

Prime Minister, then asked them whether they would serve under him in a

full coalition government, and, if not him, then somebody else. He did not

name the someone else. Attlee and Greenwood told him they would ask the

party’s National Executive, who were in Bournemouth at their annual Party

conference, although Attlee confessed bluntly that his own view was that

Labour would not have him remain PM, and he added, ‘I think I am right in

saying the country won’t have you either.’ They left having promised to

telephone through the answers as soon as they had them.

Meanwhile, Churchill had returned to the Admiralty. Later that evening,

his son Randolph rang him from his Territorial unit and asked him the

news. ‘I think,’ Churchill told him, ‘I shall be Prime Minister tomorrow.’

Hitler had managed to maintain a high level of secrecy over his plans for

the attack in the west, which was codenamed Fall Gelb – ‘Case Yellow’.

Even those in his close entourage had little idea what was afoot when, on

the afternoon of 9 May, they were told to prepare to travel. Around 5 p.m.,

Hitler left the Reich Chancellery, climbing into an open-top Mercedes

escorted by only plain-clothes detectives and members of the SD. 1

Following behind were various members of his staff, including the 32-yearold

Christa Schroeder, who had faithfully been serving the Führer as one of

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