The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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pointing in slightly different directions but also just overlapping. One of the

beams would be represented by a ‘dot’ signal, the other by a ‘dash’, which

would be heard through the headset of the pilot or navigator on board an

aircraft. The two beams would be set so that when the aircraft was flying on

the correct course, the two sounds would merge into one continuous note. If

the pilot deviated he would hear more dashes or dots depending on whether

he veered left or right.

If RV was right, then Knickebein would be a further note that would be

heard the moment the two beams actually intersected. This would thus be

set at a specific target point. The Y Service was immediately put on the

alert for any more information; interrogations were also targeted at finding

out more. At Boscombe Down, near Salisbury, the Blind Approach

Development Unit, which had been experimenting with Lorenz-type beams,

was also called upon to help by sending up aircraft using captured Lorenz

receivers and trying to pick up beams. It found nothing. RV was sure that

one of the beams was coming from Cleves, but he needed to know the

location of the second one. This was the key. By good fortune, a

breakthrough came almost immediately from another piece of paper

salvaged from a shot-down bomber. This fixed the second beam in

Schleswig-Holstein. More pieces of the jigsaw were quickly found; Felkin

was doing his work well. First, the team at the BAD unit discovered that the

Cleves beam was set at 31.5 megahertz, then that Schleswig-Holstein was

set at 30.0 megahertz. They now had hard information on the size of the

two beams, so the next step was to confirm their existence by discovering

and flying along them for themselves.

It was only eight days since the decoded Cleves message, but events

had moved very quickly. RV now found himself urgently called to a

meeting with the Prime Minister at Downing Street. It was already in

progress when he arrived. Sinclair, Newall and Dowding were there, as

were Lindemann and Beaverbrook. So too was Portal, C-in-C Bomber

Command, as well as Watson-Watt and Tizard. RV had never met the Prime

Minister or many of the other war leaders gathered there but straight away

he correctly sensed there was tension in the air – before his arrival,

Lindemann and Tizard had clashed, the latter insisting that ‘bending’ beams

was not possible. As RV now listened for a few minutes to the continuing

discussion, it became clear to him that none of them had really grasped the

essence of what had been discovered. Eventually, when Churchill turned to

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