The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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have to jump. Having sent a last message, he briefly wondered whether he

should perhaps try and crash-land instead but then madly decided he must

not let his machine fall into enemy hands. No, bailing out was the only

option. He ran through the emergency procedures: oxygen off. Throat

microphone off. Remove flying helmet and headset. Reaching for the

canopy jettison lever he pulled but it broke off in his hand. Trying

desperately not to panic he shot a glance at his altimeter – he was now at

only 800 feet. He needed to get out of there quickly – very quickly. He now

tried to open the canopy as normal and as he pulled the lever and pushed, it

burst open with a sudden rush of wind and cold air that forced the Perspex

hood off its hinges so that it clattered noisily down the side of the fuselage.

Gasping from the cold, he released his belts and pushed himself up into the

incredibly strong 130 mph draught, but as he did so was buffeted

backwards, wedging his parachute under the rear part of the canopy and

catching his legs under the instrument panel. Frantically, he tried to claw his

hands back down on to the control column in an effort to flip the machine

over, but he could not reach. And now Yellow 2 was beginning its final

dive. There was nothing for it: he would have to risk tearing his parachute

or die. Leaning over to the right, with one last effort he pulled his legs free

and up towards his body and suddenly he was rolling through the air,

somersaulting past the tail of his Messerschmitt.

Still tumbling he pulled the parachute release but for a moment nothing

happened, and in panic he began groping helplessly at the pack, only for the

silk to burst out. As the main parachute opened, the secondary ’chute

managed to get tangled around his left leg causing him intense pain so that

he was hanging upside down, his leg feeling as though it was being pulled

from his hip. Somehow, he managed to right himself and was relieved to

discover his leg was still intact, although the pain was excruciating. Ahead

he now saw Yellow 2 dive into the ground in the middle of a field of cows,

which were scattering in all directions. He heard a soft thump as it hit the

ground and then the ammunition began exploding.

The ground was now rising up to meet him, but fortunately he landed on

his right leg and the ground was soft, and he was able to release the

parachute harness with ease. He was lying beside a canal embankment. A

short distance away, although out of sight, ammunition was still exploding.

Looking around, he could see no-one. He felt desperately alone and

helpless, and his throat began to tighten. He thought he might cry.

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