The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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and his ideals, he became his new friend’s right-hand man in the National

Socialist Party, and head of the paramilitary Nazi organization, the

Sturmabteilung, or SA.

Göring was badly wounded in the groin during the Beer Hall Putsch in

Munich in 1923, and it was during his long period of recovery in Italy and

Austria that he first became addicted to morphine, administered initially as

an antidote to his extreme pain. This addiction had plagued him ever since;

battles against the drug were won then lost but many of his more outlandish

characteristics were most likely a direct result of regular morphine taking.

A narcotic and highly addictive, morphine, besides relieving pain, also

relieves fear and anxiety and produces euphoria. It plays havoc with a

person’s glands and hormones, and prompts outbursts of increased energy

and vanity, as well as delusions. Extreme vitality is often followed by

periods of languor and inactivity. All these symptoms were displayed by


In many ways, he was a contradictory character. A family man, he

adored his first wife, Carin, but was equally devoted to his second wife,

Emmy, and his young daughter with her, Edda. He loved art and nature,

could be kind, generous and loyal, yet was also unscrupulous, demonic,

vain and power-hungry. How much of this Jekyll and Hyde persona was a

part of his natural make-up and how much was due to his drug addiction, it

is impossible to know.

Certainly, however, in his moments of energy – and he was a highly

driven, ambitious and determined individual before he had ever succumbed

to morphine – Göring was to prove one of Hitler’s most loyal and capable

lieutenants. It was Göring who created the Schutzstaffel, or SS, set up

initially as Hitler’s personal bodyguard; and it was Göring who created the

Sicherheitsdienst, the SD, of which the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police, was

part. He was responsible for establishing the concentration camps. He

became Speaker of the German Parliament, President of the Reichstag,

Prime Minister of Prussia, President of the Prussian State Council, Reich

Master of Forestry and Game (his hunting laws still exist), and creator of

the new German air force, which, under his command, in 1935 became the


By this time, his position and standing within the Reich had never been

higher. Hitler, the visionary, was no economist, but Göring was proving

himself an adept businessman. In 1935, Hitler gave him control of

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