The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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‘THE BATTLE OF BRITAIN began for me in the Autumn of 1939,’ wrote Air

Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding in his despatch; after all, that was when

Britain and Germany went to war. In the end, however, he opted ‘rather

arbitrarily’ for 10 July 1940 as its starting point, the day the Germans first

attacked southern England with a large formation of some seventy aircraft.

Dowding was referring to RAF Fighter Command’s role that summer and

his despatch set the benchmark for how the great aerial clash over Britain

has been viewed ever since.

Yet his Spitfires and Hurricanes first properly tussled with the Luftwaffe

in May that year, over France, while the intense battle between the two

sides was far more all-encompassing than an account of the clash in the air

suggests. At every level, from the corridors of power to the man in the

street, and from the Field Marshal to the private, or from the skies above to

the grey swell of the sea, those summer months of 1940 were a period of

extraordinary human drama, of shifting fortunes, of tragedy and triumph – a

time when the world changed for ever. For Britain, her very survival was at

stake; for Germany, the quick defeat of Britain held the key to her future.

For both sides, the stakes could not have been higher.

The time has come to look at those critical months afresh. Dowding was

possibly stretching the point too far in suggesting the Battle began with the

outbreak of war. But it was with the launch of the western campaign that

Britain began to face the worst crisis in her history, while for Germany 10

May 1940 marked, inextricably, her crossing of the Rubicon. The point of

no return.

In these five critical months, the battle encompassed warfare on land

and at sea as well as in the air, whilst the British and German governments

fought their own political and propaganda battles as well as one for

intelligence, all of which had a profound impact on the unfurling events. In

isolation, these differing aspects only present part of the story. Together,

new and surprising perspectives emerge.

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