The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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evacuation. No-one was quite sure how many men remained but Bill

Tennant and Alexander reckoned there were about 5,000 Tommies still

remaining and some 30,000 French.

During the day, a naval demolition party carried out its work on the

surviving port equipment and arrangements were put in place to block the

harbour entrance once the last ship had sailed. Meanwhile, at Dover,

Admiral Ramsay’s team had collected eleven destroyers, thirteen personnel

ships, and a host of minesweepers, drifters, skoots and other little boats and

these set sail around 5 p.m. that afternoon.

The first troops began boarding around 9 p.m., but already the harbour

was under German artillery fire. Once again, the port was lit by the stillburning

fires, which cast an orange glow over the column of troops inching

their way along the mole. Miraculously, though, that narrow walkway had

still not been hit, nor buckled under the strain of playing host to so many

ships. At around 11.30 p.m., with the last British troops on board, Bill

Tennant and General Alexander boarded a motor launch and began a last

tour, first of the harbour, then along the beaches down to Bray, calling out

to any last remaining British soldiers. Not one man replied. All that was left

were the dark silhouettes of the abandoned lorry piers, other destroyed

trucks, carriers and cars. Guns stood where they had been left on the

beaches. That long strip of sand, in normal times filled with people

enjoying the sun and the sea, was now littered with the debris of a proud

army that had abandoned all but the men who fought within its ranks.

Desultory shell fire continued, but otherwise the beaches were still.

It was time to go. Already Bill Tennant had sent his last signal to

Admiral Ramsay, one of just four words. ‘BEF evacuated. Returning now.’

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