The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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Steinhilper, Leutnant Ulrich

and communications issues

and London bombing raid

escape manoeuvre

on battle outcome

shot down

Strong, Brigadier-General George

Study Blue (Milch)

Stuka 1

and coastal convoy CW8

tries to attack Middle Wallop

Stuka 2

attacks convoy

tries to bomb shipping

Stukas 64


609 Squadron and


Stülpnagel, General Carl-Heinrich von

Stumpff, General Hans-Jürgen

Sub-Committee on Air Parity

submarines, Germany and

Suez Canal, unusable

Sunderland flying boats


Type 224

Type 300

see also Spitfire

works, attack on

swastika symbol, Göring and

Swayne, Brigadier John George des Reaux

Swinton, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Viscount

and MI6

Taittinger, Pierre, on Sedan defences

tank warfare, modern

target priorities, Göring’s

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