The Battle of Britain Five Months That Changed History, May—October 1940 by James Holland (z-lib.org).epub

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finally joined the fight, and in that time Churchill and Britain faced one

disappointment after another. Not until the end of 1942 had the tide begun

to turn, by which time the grotesque folly of Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet

Union had become apparent. The Battle of Britain had forced Hitler to act

against Russia sooner than he had originally planned – before he was ready.

Once again, his gamble failed, and Germany’s fate was sealed.

It was over the Soviet Union that many Luftwaffe pilots began to amass

truly astonishing scores. Günther Rall went on to become the third-highestscoring

fighter ace of all time, with 275 victories, and later became a

general in the post-war Luftwaffe. He died in October 2009. Dolfo Galland

also survived the war, by which time he was a general with 104 victories –

he had reached his fiftieth at the end of October 1940. Like Günther Rall he

joined the post-war Luftwaffe and became friends for life with Douglas

Bader and Bob Stanford-Tuck. He died in 1996. Siegfried Bethke remained

on the Western Front, but in the summer of 1942 suffered serious injuries in

a flying accident that halted his flying career. Surviving the war, he died in

2003. Another high-scoring ace was Hans-Ekkehard Bob, who amassed

sixty victories, and ended the war flying Me 262 jets under Dolfo Galland.

He became a successful post-war businessman, returning to Freiburg, where

he lives to this day. He also still flies, and drives a convertible VW Beetle

with ‘JG 54’ on the number plate.

Both Julius Neumann and Ulrich Steinhilper remained POWs in Canada

until the end of the war, although Ulrich made two escape attempts. After

the war, Julius was reunited with his teddy bear mascot, and became a

lawyer. He died in 2009. After his return to Germany, Ulrich joined IBM,

becoming a pioneer of the word processor. He died in October 2009. Rudi

Miese was also shot down, only a month after finally becoming operational,

and spent the rest of the war as a POW. He died in March 2009.

Hajo Herrmann later joined the Luftwaffe staff and then established the

Wilde Sau – ‘Wild Boar’ – night-fighter unit. Flying single-engine FW 190

fighters, they provided a very effective night defence over Germany

towards the end of the war. He was later captured by the Russians and

imprisoned for ten years, after which he returned to Germany and became a

lawyer, defending many former Nazis accused of war crimes. He lives in

Düsseldorf. Peter Stahl went on to serve in Russia, where he bailed out

sixty miles behind lines and made it back to safety. He was then posted to

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