01.05.2013 Aufrufe

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch

Irische Texte : mit ersetzungen und Wterbuch


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224 The Irish Ordeals, Cormac's Adventure in the Land of Promise,<br />

/(Uquv ?/ nijyrf av dl xp8vói]zai, zb vScdq o^y/^^Tft/, xal dva^alvei ^isyQi<br />

trjq Sé^QTiq, xal to yQUfiixaislov éxáXv\].'ev.<br />

See Cormac's glossary, s. v. Sin: H. 3. 18, fo. 391a; and Ancient<br />

Laws, I. 24.<br />

§ 17. The closest parallel to the ordeal of the red-hot adze is<br />

that of the iron ladle used by the Bedouins , and thus described by<br />

Jacob Grimm, Deutsche Bechtsaltertiimer, 2. Ausg. 936—937: Bei den<br />

nomadischen Arabern wird ein groszer eisenloffel gegltiht, <strong>und</strong> der Cadi,<br />

nachdem er zwei- oder dreimal dariiber geblasen hat, stellt ihn dem<br />

angeschuldigten zu, der ihn an beiden enden belecken musz. verbrennt<br />

er sich die zunge, so wird er straffallig erkannt, sonst aber freigespro-<br />

chen. The ordeal of carrying a red-hot axe (paragu) is mentioned in<br />

the Chandogya Upanishad: see E. Schlagintweit, Die Gottesurteile der<br />

Indier, Miinchen 1866, pp. 21, 22. The licking of a red-hot plough-<br />

share (phála) is mentioned by Hiuen Thsang, ibid, p. 23.<br />

The Welsh, also, had the ordeal (poen) of the hot iron (y hayarn<br />

tivymyn), Welsh Laws IL 622.<br />

§ 18. The ordeal of lot-casting is mentioned in the Ancient Laws,<br />

vol. IV, p. 24: ni cobranaide finntJiea condatuice fir caire no cranncuir,<br />

which is thus rendered: "They (the dub -fine) receive no share of the<br />

family land until they have tendered the proof of the caldron or of the lot."<br />

§ 19. gaid act. perf. sg. 3 of guidim. The vessel mentioned in this<br />

ordeal resembles in its behaviour the Cuach Cormaic infra. If we<br />

regard the three Collars of Morann as variants of a single ordeal, and<br />

Badurn's Vessel and Cormac's Cup as substantially identical, the number<br />

of Irish ordeals is reduced to nine, which is precisely the number of the<br />

divydni pramánáni recognised by the later Hindu law-books. They are<br />

thus enumerated by Emil Schlagintweit, Die Gottesurteile der Indier,<br />

p. 6: Wage, Feuer, Wasser, Gift, Weihwasser, Reiskornerkauen, das<br />

heisse Goldstuck, die Pflugschaar <strong>und</strong> das Loos.<br />

§ 20. mothair: cogn. with mothar A. dorcha, O'Dav. 105.<br />

dub-rota is rendered by Hennessy 'black ryestuff'. But cf. LL. 169»<br />

28, where it clearly means 'dark-red stuif from bogs'.<br />

The ordeal mentioned in this paragraph resembles the Thibetan<br />

process thus described by Grimm (Deutsche Bechtsaltertiimer, p. 936):<br />

In Thibet wird der keszelfaug folgendergestalt vollfiihrt: man wirft einen<br />

weiszen <strong>und</strong> einen schwarzen stein in das siedende wasser, beide parteien<br />

tauchen ihren arm zugleich in den kessel, <strong>und</strong> der gewinnt, welcher den weiszen<br />

stein herauszieht. See as to this ordeal in Kamaon, Schlagintweit, p. 24.<br />

It seems to survive in the south of India as a juggler's trick which<br />

I have witnessed — three handfuls of sand, each handful of a different<br />

colour, being thrown separately, in a certain order, into a vessel of<br />

water and then taken out separately, in the same order, and dry. So

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