19.01.2014 Aufrufe

TiHo Bibliothek elib - Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

TiHo Bibliothek elib - Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover

TiHo Bibliothek elib - Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover


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Summary<br />

the group F III were fed with uncontaminated feed for 2.75 / 4.5 / 5 resp. 5.75 months<br />

before the slaughter. The dioxin burden in their carcasses varied between 1.04 and<br />

3.29 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat (1 sample > maximum level). The pooled liver<br />

samples of these primiparous beef cows (group F I – F III) contained dioxin contents<br />

of 6.22 - 20.11 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat so that all exceeded the maximum<br />

level (4.50 pg WHO-PCDD/F-TEQ/g fat).<br />

Conclusions<br />

The production of “safe“ beef (PCDD/F content < maximum level) from animals<br />

grazing on dioxin loaded grassland and by feeding roughage containing notable<br />

amounts of PCDD/F is possible, but only if the contaminated feedstuffs were<br />

substituted by uncontaminated ones for a sufficient period of time before the<br />

slaughter of the animals. The results of this study show that if the animals were fed<br />

uncontaminated feed at least 3 months before slaughter and – in this time – their<br />

body weight increased about 10 % and additionally, some dioxins were excreted via<br />

milk (no absolute necessity), the dioxin burden in the carcasses of these animals<br />

decreased below the maximum permitted level for beef. In accordance with these<br />

results, it may be possible to use dioxin exposed grassland for the production of<br />

“safe” beef – regarding the consumer protection – which is of a high quality.<br />

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the livers of all these animals have to be<br />

excluded from the food chain by all means. However, the implementation of this<br />

feeding-concept would require a change in the current legislation: The restrictions<br />

associated with the universal feed ban for feeds exceeding the maximum permitted<br />

level of contamination would necessarily have to be eased in order to allow the use<br />

of feed exceeding the maximum permitted level for “undesirable substances” for a<br />

certain time.<br />


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