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Pablo Alegre<br />

calvo, Ernesto 2005 “argentina, elecciones legislativas 2005:<br />

consolidación institucional del kirchnerismo y territorialización<br />

del voto” en Revista de Ciencia Política (santiago de chile) Vol.<br />

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castañeda, Jorge 2006 “latin america’s left turn” en Foreign Affairs,<br />

mayo-junio.<br />

castiglioni, rosanna 2005 Retrenchment versus Maintenance: The<br />

Politics of Social Policy Change in Chile and Uruguay, 1973-1998<br />

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cEPal 2004 Panorama Social de América Latina (santiago de chile:<br />

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cEPal 2006 Panorama Social de América Latina (santiago de chile:<br />

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cEPal 2007 Balance Preliminar de las Economías de América Latina<br />

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chasquetti, daniel 2007 “uruguay 2006: éxitos y dilemas del<br />

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chasquetti, daniel 2005 “Presidente fuerte, partido fragmentado y<br />

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collier, ruth y collier, david 1991 Shaping the political arena. Critical<br />

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corrales, Javier 2006 “the Backlash against market reforms and<br />

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cleary, matthew 2006 “Explaining the left’s resurgence” en Journal of<br />

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de luca, miguel 2007 “argentina: instituciones débiles, Economía a<br />

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Etchemendy, sebastián 2001 “constructing reform coalitions: the<br />

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en Latin American Politics and Society Vol. Xliii, nº 3.<br />

Etchemendy, sebastián 2004 “repression, Exclusion and inclusion:<br />

Government-union relations and Patterns of labor reform in<br />

liberalizing Economies” en Comparative Politics Vol. XXXVi, nº 3.<br />


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