Молодой учёный

Молодой учёный

Молодой учёный


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342 Государство и право<br />

«<strong>Молодой</strong> <strong>учёный</strong>» . № 5 (40) . Май, 2012 г.<br />

period from 3 to 5 years for the unlawful use of a trademark<br />

on the prior agreement of parties.<br />

At present criminalization of the consumer market makes<br />

questions of responsibility for production and sale of adulterated<br />

and counterfeit products urgent (especially excisable<br />

like spirits, etc.). At this stage the legislative framework<br />

and adopted by the State penal measures are ineffective and<br />

require revision. Simplification of the work of legal entities<br />

due to the reduction of planned inspections by State control<br />

to one time in three years (except for tax control), limits the<br />

possibility of controlling authorities to monitor adulterated<br />

and counterfeit products. The abolition of compulsory certification<br />

of consumer products also complicates the situation.<br />

To save time, effort and money in the process of creating<br />

a mechanism for the effective management and protection of<br />

the consumer market we should refer to foreign experience<br />

in this area.<br />

Returning to the problem of rare inspections of legal entities<br />

in Russia, it should be noted that in Germany controlling<br />

authorities decide themselves how often they will carry<br />

out inspections. The regularity of inspections depends on the<br />

type and origin of products, practices of internal company<br />

control, health, education and quality of personnel, previous<br />

record of violations. When there is information about possible<br />

violations the checks over and above the plan are carried<br />

out [3, p.47].<br />

It should be emphasized that the European Union (EU)<br />

monitors the quality of products though the Food and Veterinary<br />

Service of the Directorate General for Health and Consumer<br />

Protection, which is guided by EU directives on health<br />

and consumer protection. Its tasks include among other matters<br />

control over compliance with the Union directives in the<br />

field of food quality in the EU and in the Third World countries,<br />

supplying EU markets with their products. In Russian<br />

conditions, the protection of consumer interests in terms of<br />

quality of goods, the range of products, prices and saturation<br />

of the market with the goods is entrusted to the Department<br />

of Consumer market and Services in Moscow and similar<br />

agencies in the regions. However, this department is unable<br />

to control the importation of counterfeit goods, which led to<br />

its saturation (35%) in Moscow market. The situation ended<br />

up with a fact that check of each product requires permission.<br />

German society for quality control and research institutes<br />

studying the market from Mainz provides information for<br />

consumers about the quality of the goods. The federal government<br />

helps to publish the journal «Test» which informs<br />

the consumers about new products, examines the quality, offers<br />

alternative products to compare, reports the indicative<br />

prices, and gives advice to consumers [4, p.64]. In Russia<br />

these functions are executed by publications of the Union of<br />

Consumers of the Russian Federation and to a lesser extent –<br />

the TV program «Test Purchases», «Habitat» and others.<br />

Also in Germany there is a practice when the enterprises<br />

of provisions area have special journal where you can find all<br />

information about the deal like the time and the place and the<br />

price etc. Such a system allows analyzing the supply chain,<br />

identifying the direct perpetrators and thus preventing further<br />

movement of defective products.<br />

One of the main forms of State regulation of foreign consumer<br />

market is price regulation when the public authorities<br />

undertake pricing for specific types of goods and services that<br />

are crucial to the national economy. From 5 to 10% of the<br />

consumer prices in the United States are regulated. Herewith<br />

direct regulation is limited – only in monopolized industries<br />

under antitrust laws. The most extensively used<br />

methods of indirect price regulation such as regulation of the<br />

discount rate of the Federal Reserve Banks are the reduction<br />

of government deficits, large-scale purchases of goods and<br />

services for federal purposes with fixed prices, tax incentives<br />

for consumption and sales. There are approximately 20% of<br />

prices controlled by State in France and 10% in Spain. A<br />

wide-range price control makes the market less flexible, inhibits<br />

the growth of production, restrains competition, and<br />

limits the intersectoral mobility of capital. However, the limited<br />

State regulation of prices takes place in all countries with<br />

developed market economies.<br />

The selective credit policy is a very significant trend in the<br />

sphere of State regulation of consumer market. Credit support<br />

can be obtained both by sellers of consumer goods and<br />

consumers (in case of expensive, but necessary purchase).<br />

When credit privileges are not enough the measures of direct<br />

subsidies to consumers may be applied to increase demand.<br />

Taxation methods are widely used in developed countries<br />

for consumer markets regulation. In particular, in the most<br />

countries essential goods are imposed by taxes to a lesser extent<br />

and luxury goods, alcohol and tobacco products carry<br />

the main tax burden.<br />

Different public organizations have a large impact on<br />

consumer markets along with public authorities in countries<br />

with developed market economies. In the majority of developed<br />

countries there are large national organizations of consumers<br />

such as Consumers Union in the USA, British Association<br />

of Consumers, and National Institute for Consumers<br />

in France.<br />

The legislation is being improved under the influence<br />

of public organizations. Strict standards of environmental<br />

safety, quality of goods and services are being developed.<br />

Consumers Unions conduct an independent examination of<br />

goods and services, educate consumers, interact with legislators,<br />

manufacturers, conduct public opinion and consumer<br />

preferences polls, publish reference and technical literature,<br />

provide citizens with necessary legal assistance. Two public<br />

organizations in Russia are Consumers Union of the Russian<br />

Federation and the National Foundation of Consumer<br />

Protection.<br />

Thus, at this moment in Russia the basis for effective<br />

functioning of consumer market is developed but not in detail.<br />

There is no single conceptual legitimate approach to<br />

regulate and protect the relations arising in the market. The<br />

task to speed the completion of the formation of a legislative<br />

package regulating economic relations should be put forward<br />

as a top priority. We should also take into consideration

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