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“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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MURRAY (1903)<br />


M. Murray, The Osireion at Abydos, Egyptian Research Account<br />

9 (London 1903).<br />

NAVILLE (1908/1909)<br />

É. Naville, Excavations at Abydos, in: Archaeological Report<br />

(1908-1909): Comprising the Recent Work of the Egypt Exploration<br />

Fund and the Progress of Egyptology During the<br />

Year 1908–1909 (London 1909) 1–5.<br />

NAVILLE (1909/1910)<br />

É. Naville, Excavations at Abydos, in: Egypt Exploration<br />

Fund, Archaeological Report 1909–1910: Comprising the Recent<br />

Work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the Progress of<br />

Egyptology During the Year 1909–1910 (London 1910) 1–8.<br />

NAVILLE (1910/1911)<br />

É. Naville, Excavations at Abydos, in: Archaeological Report<br />

(1910–1911): Comprising the Recent Work of the Egypt Exploration<br />

Fund and the Progress of Egyptology During the<br />

Year 1910–1911 (London 1911) 1–5.<br />

NAVILLE (1914)<br />

É. Naville, The Cemeteries of Abydos I, 1909–1910, The<br />

Mixed Cemetery and Umm el-Ga‛ab, Memoir of the Egypt<br />

Exploration Fund 33 (London 1914).<br />

O’CONNOR (1985)<br />

D. O’Connor, The “Cenotaphs” of the Middle Kingdom at<br />

Abydos, in: P. Posener-Kriéger (Hrsg.), Mélanges Gamal Eddin<br />

Mokhtar II, Bibliothèque d’étude 97, 2 (Kairo 1985) 161–<br />

177.<br />

O’CONNOR (2002)<br />

D. O’Connor, Pyramid Origins: A New Theory, in: E. Ehrenberg<br />

(Hrsg.), Leaving no Stones Unturned. Essays on the Ancient<br />

Near East and Egypt in Honor of Donald P. Hansen<br />

(Winona Lake 2002) 168–182.

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