12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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To <strong>com</strong>plete the image of this house, the pottery in room H28<br />

is <strong>com</strong>patible with its serving as a storage room or a kitchen, but<br />

no hearth was discovered. Architectural alterations seem to have<br />

taken place in H28 during Late Geometric II, and it is at that stage<br />

that H28 was amalgamated with other units around courtyard H21.<br />

The construction of its bench dates to that period as well. Again,<br />

there is evidence in the floor sequence that in its earlier phase the<br />

room functioned more as reception space (as the floors contained<br />

more skyphoi and fine ware), while in its latest phase the abundant<br />

coarse ware, the bench, and the pounders, are evidence of food<br />

preparation activities. Room H22 was remarkable for the unusual<br />

number of plates found in it. Room H23 yielded a good quantity of<br />

fine and important pottery and may have served as a reception<br />

room. The character of the pottery in this room implies relative<br />

wealth and the presence of a series of fragments of fine krateroi<br />

indicate a reception room in a style so far unparalleled on the site.<br />

A second very interesting <strong>com</strong>plex <strong>com</strong>prised rooms H26-<br />

H27-H43-H42, H47 with units H26/H27 undoubtedly being storerooms<br />

(fig. 5). 37 A Floor analysis and examination of the post bases<br />

in H26/H27 show that in Late Geometric I period they constituted<br />

a single large room probably with a porch in front of it. The subdivision<br />

of the large room belongs to the Late Geometric II period<br />

and at this stage the restricted floor of the two newly separated<br />

rooms shows that they were turned to storerooms (fig. 5). 38 The<br />

associated living ac<strong>com</strong>modation was room H42 built in the Late<br />

Geometric period. Its door was on the south side into the outer<br />

court H47, somewhat separated from the court onto which the<br />

storerooms opened, but as a part of the same access system. 39 Similar<br />

arrangements appear to have been made for the adjoining house<br />

within units H24/H25/H32, H33, H40–41 (fig. 5). The two surviving<br />

post bases suggest that here too there was originally a single<br />

Late Geometric I room, which was subdivided into storerooms in<br />

the Late Geometric II period. 40 Here again new living ac<strong>com</strong>modation,<br />

would be provided by the rooms to the west of the courtyard<br />

37 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1988) 127. 155, pl. 11. plan XI a–b.<br />

38 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1971) 19.<br />

39 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1988) 127. 155, pl. 8. pl. 11–12.<br />

40 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1988) 127. 155, plan VIII.

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