12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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160| WIEBKE FRIESE<br />

Zeit an Beliebtheit gewannen. Zudem ließ sich nachweisen,<br />

dass sich die Architektur direkt an den Bedürfnissen des<br />

Rituals orientierte, indem sie, etwa durch besondere Einbauten,<br />

die klaustrophobischen und desorientierenden Elemente<br />

des kultischen Raumes verstärkte. Eingebunden in<br />

ein ebenfalls aus den antiken Mysterienkulten bekanntes<br />

tripartites Ritualschema, ermöglichte der so veränderte<br />

Raum der Institution Orakel damit die größtmögliche Kontrolle<br />

<strong>eine</strong>s ansonsten eher unkontrollierbaren, da sehr individuellen<br />

spirituellen Erlebnisses.<br />

While in archaic and classical times, most of the famous<br />

Greek oracle sites, like Delphi, Olympia or Dodona provided<br />

not only individual help and guidance, but also functioned<br />

as interurban political centres, they were less important<br />

in roman times. Other sanctuaries, like the oracle<br />

of Trophonios in Lebadeia, the oracle of Apollon in Claros<br />

or the death oracle in Heracleia Pontica took their place.<br />

The oracle of Glykon in Abonuteichos, which was founded<br />

in the second century AD, was also supra-regional successful.<br />

But what could be the reason for his change? Drawing<br />

upon written as well as epigraphical and archaeological<br />

sources, the following paper gives an insight in the ancient<br />

cult architecture and practice and examines its influential<br />

potential on the oracle-seeking client. While until Hellenistic<br />

times, the sanctuaries architecture was dominated by<br />

monumental buildings, like temples and theatres, in roman<br />

times, the oracle building itself became more important. At<br />

the same time and probably under the influence of the oriental<br />

and Egyptian apotropaic mystery cults, mystic and socalled<br />

auto-suggestive oracle methods were the most popular.<br />

Furthermore, the article demonstrates the close relation between<br />

architecture and ritual. The roman reconstructions of<br />

the ritual space all aimed to intensify the claustrophobic and<br />

disorientating elements of it. Integrated in a tripartite ritualistic<br />

schema, the so converted ritual space became an important,<br />

inasmuch controllable element for the institution of<br />

the oracle.

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