12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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as a consort of Osiris, conceiving from him the young Horus, who<br />

was probably Hatshepsut herself.<br />

It is important to point out that the ritual zSS wAD also had<br />

sexual character, for it <strong>com</strong>memorated the unity of the deceased<br />

pharaoh with his mother, a wild cow. 141 Perhaps it is this aspect of<br />

the ceremony that Thutmose III emphasized in the Karnak temple<br />

reliefs when placing the ithyphallic statue of the god on the royal<br />

bark in a scene neighbouring to that with Hathor holding mnit.<br />

To sum up what was said above, we can assert that the scene<br />

of Hathor’s voyage carved on the wall of the Akhmenu temple has<br />

a dual semantic content. On the one hand, it reflects the idea of<br />

Hathor as a guide of the deceased in the afterworld (= the Rooms<br />

of Sokar). On the other hand, this scene itself is of a mortuary<br />

character and represents the motif of the pilgrimage of the dead<br />

pharaoh in the Underworld. The night journey in the Duat, a dangerous<br />

sphere, was guarded by the goddess Hathor, who directed<br />

the deceased into the fourth and fifth valleys of the Duat (= the<br />

Rooms of Sokar) conceiving a new Horus in the latter valley.<br />



Having defined a possible nature of the Xnt @wt-@r Festival, we<br />

proceed to the question of its venue. First of all, let us examine the<br />

orientation of the Hathoric scene from the Festival Hall of the<br />

Akhmenu temple.<br />

It is noteworthy that these scenes face north, towards the cult<br />

chapels of the pharaoh and the royal ancestors. On the one hand,<br />

this evidence seems to force a connection between the Xnt @wt-@r<br />

Festival, the kingship and the royal mortuary cult. On the other<br />

hand, this orientation of the scenes could reflect the real route of<br />

the procession which moved from north to south. This brings us to<br />

the question: What part of the Hathoric festival is represented in<br />

Akhmenu? From the alleged relationship between the Xnt @wt-@r<br />

Festival and the Festival of Sokar, one may suggest that there are<br />

scenes depicting the second part of the festival, which included the<br />

arrival of Hathor’s procession from some northern district. In or-<br />

141 Pyr. §388; HERMANN (1959) 14–18; BARTA (1981) 139.

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