12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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in the south half of the floor and better preserved ones in the<br />

northern half). Room H19 is large (51 sq. m), but the room must<br />

have been imposing not only in size but also in its furniture, the<br />

impressive Π-shaped bench and the large hearth, also by the paved<br />

area in the south west corner.<br />

Fig. 3: The promontory of Zagora, looking from the present day<br />

north-eastern main path, at the neck of the Zagora headland outside<br />

the fortification wall.<br />

A series of important alterations seem to have been carried out in<br />

the <strong>com</strong>plex of the rooms surrounding H19 and courtyard H21. In<br />

order to achieve a better understanding of the clustering of units<br />

into households we must follow the sequence of alterations between<br />

Middle Geometric II and Late Geometric II phases. During<br />

the Middle Geometric we can be sure of the existence of room<br />

H22 and that room H19 was certainly occupied. H22 at least appears<br />

to have had a bench and possibly an informal hearth. H19<br />

also seems to have had a bench. 33 In the Late Geometric I phase,<br />

however, H19 and H21 were the only rooms of this house because<br />

H22–H23 and H28–H29 constituted separate houses.<br />

33 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1988) 158.

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