12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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very strong if one takes in account the existence of storage benches<br />

in at least four of them (J4, J10, J11 and J22). However, it is to be<br />

noted that even if the argument for differential social status between<br />

areas D–H and J is convincing, the same practices of development<br />

and space subdivision can also be seen here in the case of<br />

units J9/J10/J11 (which seem to have been divided by a T-wall)<br />

and the households <strong>com</strong>prising units H26/27 and H24/H25/H32.<br />

Even if we accept that we have here the dwellings of the less fortunate<br />

of Zagora, the practices of architectural development and<br />

space management remain the same as in the most privileged units.<br />


Chios, Emporio<br />

In the region of the Eastern Aegean I want to examine only a<br />

number of households at the site of Prophetes Elias in Emporio,<br />

Chios. 42 At Emporio more than fifty units were recognised, and<br />

from the plan and nature of the site this should represent more<br />

than half, perhaps nearly all the buildings (fig. 6). 43 The houses in<br />

Emporio are divided into two types, the megaron-houses and the<br />

bench-houses. Excavation has revealed three of the megaron-type<br />

houses and eight of the bench-type. The first of the 7 th century<br />

buildings, the megaron-hall, a long rectangular building, stood flanking<br />

the acropolis wall and facing the main entrance to the circuit (fig.<br />

7). 44 It was an almost <strong>com</strong>pletely regular building, entered from the<br />

south, the direction of the acropolis gateway, through a shallow<br />

porch. 45 In the whole town the megaron-houses seem to be the earliest,<br />

and the megaron-hall should also belong to the earliest period of<br />

the occupation of the site, certainly as early as the seventh century,<br />

perhaps even in the eighth century BC.<br />

42 BOARDMAN (1967) fig. 4.<br />

43 BOARDMAN (1967) 34–40, fig. 2.<br />

44 BOARDMAN (1967) fig. 16. pl. 7 a–c.<br />

45 BOARDMAN (1967) 31–34, fig. 16.

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