12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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H33. Room H40 with its wide opening is presumably a vestibule to<br />

protect H41 from the northeast wind. The large hearth in the latter<br />

shows that it was a main living room, although no bench was<br />

found in it.<br />

Having discussed the household examples in Zagora, it is<br />

worth <strong>com</strong>menting briefly on the households‟ sizes since Zagora<br />

presents a good case for such <strong>com</strong>parison. If we <strong>com</strong>pare the relative<br />

space occupied by units we understand that the majority of the<br />

examples fall within the category of 35–50 sq. m with only two examples<br />

exceeding that and covering areas of 66–100 sq. m. Oneroom<br />

units can be as small as 26 sq. m as represented by at least<br />

one secure example. Another observation is that some units within<br />

households seem to be smaller than others. This can easily be explained<br />

by the practice of subdivision of spaces, such as we have<br />

seen it in the examples of rooms H26/27 (subdivided during Late<br />

Geometric II times) and room H24/H25/H32 (originally one large<br />

room, later divided by a T-wall into three smaller spaces). The<br />

question arising here is why the decision was taken to subdivide<br />

areas into what seem very small rooms instead of expanding into<br />

unbuilt space since the entire promontory did not suffer a shortage<br />

of space nor was crowded with structures preventing expansion. K.<br />

Fagerström has suggested that this “difficulty” in acquiring additional<br />

space might represent a division into areas of different social<br />

status, preventing people from moving from one side of town into<br />

the other. This argument is further backed up by the size of households<br />

in a different area of Zagora, area J. 41 There, households<br />

are not only smaller but also less carefully built than structures in<br />

area H.<br />

41 CAMBITOGLOU et al. (1988) 148, plan XIV; FAGERSTRÖM (1988)<br />

pl. 58.

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