12.12.2012 Aufrufe

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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rituals to the gods Hathor and Amun-Min of birds and flowers of<br />

papyrus (the rite zSS wAD?), probably performed in the Halls of<br />

Offerings; 2. IV Axt 4 “the day of the Festival of Hathor” or the<br />

festival “Procession of Hathor”, which involved the southwards<br />

navigation of Hathor’s statue on the Sacred Lake; 3. IV Axt 4 IV<br />

Axt 30 ceremonies in the Akhmenu temple with the participation<br />

of Hathor, Amun-Min and Osiris-Sokar, such as the offerings of<br />

cows, bulls, milk, the “Opening of the Mouth” ritual in the Rooms<br />

of Sokar, etc.; IV Axt 20-IV Axt 30 the Khoiak Festival; IV Axt<br />

26 – the Festival of Sokar, the rite Xnm jtn (“union with the sun<br />

disc”) of Hathor; 4. IV Axt 30-I prt 1 performing the rites dedicated<br />

to the cults of the pharaoh and royal ancestors in the southern<br />

chapels of the Akhmenu temple.<br />


This article is as an attempt to provide a new approach to the study<br />

of an Egyptian festival. It has been shown that the examination of<br />

the temple decoration offers rich information both on the symbolic<br />

meaning of the temple premises during some festivals and on their<br />

symbolic program, as shown in the scenes on the temple walls. We<br />

undertook an analysis of the orientation of the festive scenes within<br />

the temple space (east-west, north-south), their location with respect<br />

to the main temple axis (along, across, beyond the axis),<br />

which could have a symbolic correlation with the daily journey of<br />

the sun-god. As a result it became possible to create a kind of spatial-semantic<br />

model reflecting the principles of the relationship<br />

between the festive program in the temples of Karnak and Deir el-<br />

Bahari and a number of ancient Egyptian religious notions (such as<br />

the myth of sun-god’s west-east journey in the Underworld and the<br />

idea of pharaoh’s wandering to the north). Such study allows one<br />

to reconstruct the route and ritual program of the festival, especially<br />

in the cases where the festive scenes are badly damaged.<br />

Besides, the reconstructed model shows the emphasis on the<br />

role of pharaoh in the forming of the festive program, as the temple<br />

was laid out and decorated on his will. For example, Hatshepsut<br />

stressed the east-west of the temple axis associated with the day

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