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“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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Dead 31)… I have equipped Thoth (with all that is needful) in the<br />

House of the Moon-god for the <strong>com</strong>ing of the festival of the fifteenth<br />

day... I have <strong>com</strong>e to lighten the darkness, which (I) turn<br />

into the light” (mH.n.i irt m iwty.s n iit smdt… apr.n.i +Hwty m<br />

Hwt iaH n ii smdt… ii.n.i r sSp kkw (iw) swt r HD sp sn). 32<br />

According to the Pyramid Texts, the 15 th day of the month, or<br />

the full moon, was identical to the sixth and seventh lunar days 33<br />

intended for making offerings to the dead king, in order to revive<br />

him to a new life in the hereafter. Besides, the sixth and seventh<br />

days were the days of the conclusion of the filling, i. e. the restoration<br />

of the Eye of Horus associated with the sun and the kingship.<br />

34<br />

Thus, Thutmose III regarded himself as the guardian of the<br />

sun’s path, as the destroyer of evil forces, which hindered the<br />

movement of Re to the east. The pharaoh, as the chief priest, protected<br />

the Eye of Re by preparing different offerings to the god,<br />

and made its emergence from the dark into light, in the east horizon<br />

possible. On the other hand, the offerings performed during<br />

the moon festivals were intended for the deceased king, for his<br />

resurrection in the afterworld, i. e. symbolically, in the Festival Hall<br />

of Akhmenu. Thus, the Festival Hall symbolized the nighttime and<br />

the afterworld – this assumption is proved by the decoration of the<br />

hall’s ceiling (the golden stars on a blue background), imitating the<br />

starry sky. 35 Then, the Opet Festival, partly represented in this hall,<br />

was also related to the idea of the sun’s subterranean travel and to<br />

31 NAVILLE (1886) chap. 80, line 7.<br />

32 pAni, pl. 28; NAVILLE (1886) chap. 80, line 12; ALLEN<br />

(1960) 155–156.<br />

33 Pyr. §716a–b.<br />

34 DERCHAIN (1962) 25.<br />

35 BARGUET (1962) 169. In this case we are of the same opinion<br />

as M. Murray, who believed, that the motif of yellow stars on a<br />

blue background symbolizes the night sky: MURRAY (2002) 124;<br />

such decoration could be seen, for example, on the ceiling of<br />

Thutmose III’s burial chamber, where the scenes of the Book of<br />

Amduat are represented: cf. ROMER (1975) 315–316. A. Ćwiek,<br />

however, suggests that the motif of yellow stars on a blue background<br />

imitates the day sky and the motif of white stars on a black<br />

background the night sky: ĆWIEK (2003) 297–298, n. 1230.

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