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“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com

“semitisches pantheon”. eine “männliche tyche” - MOSAIKjournal.com


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der to prove this, we need to find out the possible time and venue<br />

of the ritual zSS wAD, which was probably incorporated in the Xnt<br />

@wt-@r Festival.<br />

It is significant that the Karnak scenes of zSS wAD are outside<br />

the Akhmenu temple, where we can find the scenes of Hathor’s<br />

navigation. This evidence lead us to suggest that the ritual of the<br />

plucking of the papyrus preceded the journey to the south during<br />

the Xnt @wt-@r Festival. To clarify this issue, we will turn to the<br />

reliefs from the Saqqara tomb of Fetekti (fifth dynasty), where the<br />

scenes and events pertaining to the rite zSS wAD are represented<br />

(fig. 14). 142 These <strong>com</strong>positions are placed on the west wall of the<br />

tomb and consist of two parts: One shows the deceased sailing to<br />

the north – “departure to the north, in order to conduct zSS wAD<br />

for Hathor, the Beauty, the Mistress of sycamore” ([s]DAT m xd(t) r<br />

zSS wAD [n] @wt-@r nfrt nbt nht), and the other pictures the boating<br />

“journey to the south, after zSS wAD for Hathor, the Beauty, the<br />

Mistress of sycamore” (xsft m-xt zSS wAD n @wt-@r nfrt nbt nht.) 143<br />

It seems that the first scene was related to the beginning of zSS<br />

wAD, and the second one – to its end. From these inscriptions H.<br />

Altenmüller has suggested that the rite zSS wAD belonged to the<br />

interval between the day and night journeys of the deceased in the<br />

afterworld (probably closer to the night) – these travels corresponded<br />

to the south and north voyages respectively. 144 Thus, the<br />

south navigation was conducted late at night, after the ceremony<br />

zSS wAD.<br />

With these observations in mind, we should recall that the<br />

Festival Hall of Akhmenu, housing the scene of the Hathoric south<br />

navigation, symbolized apparently the afterworld and the nighttime.<br />

This will bring us to the conclusion that the scenes of the Festival<br />

Hall show the second part of the Xnt @wt-@r Festival, which alluded<br />

to the night voyage towards the south. Perhaps this travel took<br />

place after the ritual of the plucking of the papyrus intended to<br />

deliver the deceased safely in the afterworld (= the Rooms of Sokar).<br />

142 LD II, Tf. 96; LD Ergänzungsband, Tf. 40 d.<br />

143 ALTENMÜLLER (2002) 26–27.<br />

144 ALTENMÜLLER (2002) 26–27.

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