02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing


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the monks of the Fist revere his teachings and remain<br />

fiercely loyal to him.<br />

Garrick Voyle remains young and vigorous due<br />

to his extensive training as a monk—and perhaps as<br />

a holy benefit of his station. He is in perfect physical<br />

condition and maintains his martial skills at their peak.<br />

He suffered a series of assassination attempts when he<br />

first attained the rank of Hierarch, but his ability to<br />

dispatch the assassins unaided has left his enemies<br />

convinced that he is invulnerable. Indeed, he shows no<br />

concern for his succession and fully intends to outlive<br />

his current subordinates. He still has enemies among<br />

the Temple, but they have all but given up hope of<br />

deposing him. He has a reputation for sniffing out<br />

plots and conspiracies, aided by the exemplars and<br />

monks who serve him.<br />

Though the Hierarch is presently preoccupied with<br />

his crusade against Cygnar, he anticipates the day when<br />

all of western Immoren will be reclaimed by the faithful.<br />

Cygnar is seen as the Protectorate’s great nemesis, but<br />

the Hierarch intends to repay Khador for its betrayals.<br />

He knows Queen Ayn used his theocracy to distract<br />

Cygnaran military intelligence. Additionally, Voyle was<br />

gravely insulted by the ruthlessness with which the<br />

Khadorans stopped the practice of cortex smuggling.<br />

It will all come in good time. The Harbinger has<br />

appeared at the moment he was preparing to lead the<br />

faithful against the Cygnaran infidels, and with the<br />

guidance and divine insight of Menoth’s prophet, the<br />

Hierarch’s troops will not fail. When they are finished<br />

with Cygnar, they will carry on the crusade until<br />

they have purged the heresy of the Twins from all of<br />

western Immoren forever.<br />

Temple Ranks<br />

Power in the Protectorate of Menoth is<br />

inextricably linked to ranks within the Temple,<br />

and each station brings with it a certain measure of<br />

authority over the populace.<br />

Hierarch is a special title of absolute power only<br />

bestowed with the unanimous—though not necessarily<br />

willing—support of the visgoths.<br />

The visgoths are the ranking leaders of the<br />

Temple entrusted with overseeing large segments of<br />

the populace and day-to-day rule. It is their duty to<br />

fulfill the designs of the Hierarch; they ensure all of<br />

his projects proceed as planned and that his people<br />

are productive and loyal. They are the equivalent<br />

of governors or high nobility in other kingdoms.<br />

All visgoths are members of the Synod, a governing<br />

council directly serving the Hierarch and sharing<br />

his ideals. The Synod finds the tolerant mixing of<br />

religions in other kingdoms abhorrent especially<br />

since Morrowans are in control of most of the rest of<br />

western Immoren. In times when a single priest does<br />

not have absolute control, the theocracy is overseen<br />

by the entire Synod. Historically, some visgoths have<br />

attained supremacy without becoming Hierarch. The<br />

most notable was Visgoth Leventine (549–568 AR).<br />

Sovereigns report to the visgoths. They are the<br />

highest rank of priests with whom most citizens will<br />

ever directly interact. The majority of sovereigns reside<br />

in the capital of Imer, but a number of them inhabit<br />

Sul and other significant outlying communities.<br />

Sovereigns are expected to supervise lesser priests and<br />

citizens within their jurisdiction and to execute the<br />

orders and directives of the visgoths.<br />

grAnD scrutAtor severius<br />

throughout the history of the ProtectorAte, the title<br />

grAnD scrutAtor hAs trADitionAlly been bestoweD uPon the<br />

highest-rAnKing scrutAtor visgoth of the synoD. however,<br />

this title is lArgely honorific in the cAse of the current<br />

grAnD scrutAtor. though officiAlly the highest rAnKing<br />

scrutAtor beneAth the hierArch AnD hAnDPicKeD for his<br />

Position by gArricK voyle himself, grAnD scrutAtor severius<br />

hAs DeclineD A seAt on the synoD. insteAD, the wArcAster hAs<br />

chosen to Answer the creAtor’s cAll on the bAttlefielD.<br />

Following Protectorate politics requires<br />

understanding the influence and power of the<br />

scrutators. These ominous priests hold a regular clerical<br />

rank, but they wield greater power and command<br />

more respect than mere clerics of the Temple. For<br />

example, while all visgoths are theoretically equal,<br />

Hierarch Voyle holds scrutator visgoths in higher<br />

esteem. Nonetheless, a priest of higher rank can expect<br />

obedience from a priest scrutator of lower rank (i.e.,<br />

a non-scrutator visgoth has authority over scrutator<br />

sovereigns). In actual practice, they are reluctant to<br />

give orders to scrutators lest they contradict secret<br />

instructions from the Hierarch.<br />

World Guide 269

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