02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing


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maintained in case of any eventuality. The surrounding<br />

mountains are heavily trapped and full of hidden<br />

murder holes and fortified positions.<br />

<strong>Is</strong>syrah: Originally <strong>Is</strong>syrah was home to the Fane<br />

of Ayisla. After the gods disappeared, the city entered<br />

into a centuries-long decline. By the time the dragon<br />

Everblight whom the elves call Ethrunbal began to<br />

prey on Ios, there were tens of thousands of elves living<br />

in the city. It was here in 390 AR the Iosan army finally<br />

destroyed the beast, but not before it had decimated<br />

<strong>Is</strong>syrah and killed its entire population. Once the<br />

beast lay slain, its athanc was cut out and sealed<br />

away in a hidden location “at the top of the world.”<br />

What remains of <strong>Is</strong>syrah is a blasted wasteland where<br />

nothing grows.<br />

Knot, The: The Knot is an impossibly complex,<br />

mist-shrouded roadway from the Gate of Mists through<br />

Mistbough that loops back and forth across itself.<br />

Ingeniously devised by House Aiesyn as both a defense<br />

and trade route, the winding Knot is so complex even<br />

most Iosans are unable to navigate it. Only the builders<br />

and highly trained scouts of House Rhysslyr know the<br />

secrets of its passage, and trespassers quickly find<br />

themselves lost<br />

Mistbough: Mistbough is a strangely beautiful<br />

and haunting wood of mist, brush, and hundreds of<br />

hidden archers from House Rhysslyr. The forest is<br />

dense with aspens and rolling hills affording plenty<br />

of hiding holes for ambush sites as well as pitfalls<br />

and snare and net traps set for the unwary. It is also<br />

believed that hidden Retribution of Scyrah bases exists<br />

throughout Mistbough.<br />

Moon Arch: The Moon Arch was a great scrying<br />

devise built to locate the Vanished. It consists of a<br />

great arch spanning an enormous pool of water. As<br />

the moons move over the arch, they pull the water in<br />

various directions creating pictures and scenes of far<br />

off places, and the power of the arch waxes and wanes<br />

with the tides. The arch was abandoned after it failed<br />

to locate the gods after hundreds of attempts. The<br />

site is still maintained by members of the Seekers sect<br />

who yet believe the Moon Arch may prove useful in<br />

locating the missing gods. The highest-ranking Seeker<br />

of the area is Shaela Hallyr (female Iosan Clr12/<br />

Wiz6), an attractive woman of indeterminate age and<br />

unswerving faith and devotion.<br />

Rhul<br />

We are entering a strange and<br />

wondrous age. Momentous things are<br />

happening beyond our mountains: new<br />

amazing machines invented, distant<br />

lands discovered and explored, and<br />

unimaginable perils and horrors<br />

met with courage. We must guard<br />

our heartland, but I hope our people<br />

will bear witness and help shape this<br />

coming age. I am too old to play a part,<br />

but I envy my sons, my grandsons, and<br />

my granddaughters. Let us be willing<br />

to send them out even into certain<br />

peril to make their lasting mark upon<br />

the world.<br />

—Stone Lord Guvul Godor to the<br />

other Stone Lords<br />

Rhul is a great expanse of soaring peaks, rugged<br />

mountains, sheltered valleys, and deep gorges. The<br />

landscape is both beautiful and terrifying, for the<br />

Borokuhn Mountains, Silvertip Peaks, and Glass<br />

Peaks boast some of the tallest mountains in western<br />

Immoren. Crossing the outer barrier mountains<br />

from the south or west requires knowledge of the<br />

dangerous icy roads and trails created by the dwarves<br />

over the centuries. Some roads lead into chokepoints,<br />

run under massive fortifications, or twist back on<br />

themselves as they climb the mountains, allowing<br />

watchers to observe those venturing inward. The outer<br />

dwarven clans take their duties seriously, and only<br />

those who ask permission and offer friendly greeting<br />

are given easy passage. Nestled safely within these<br />

barriers, the great and ancient Armsdeep stabilizes<br />

the harsh northern weather and provides life and<br />

livelihood for over a million dwarves and a hundred<br />

thousand ogrun.<br />

The greatest cities of Rhul rest on the shores of<br />

this lake. The timeless capital of Ghord and its sister<br />

city Ulgar are sprawling complexes of unfathomably<br />

World Guide 345

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