02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing


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Stolen technology is indeed a Cryxian tradition.<br />

When the Orgoth were cast out of Drer Drakkerung<br />

by Toruk’s hordes, Cryxian warwitches and blackships<br />

soon began appearing in the Nightmare Empire based<br />

perfectly on the sorcerous designs of the erstwhile<br />

invaders. Of all the blackships, few are more infamous<br />

than the funereal galleon called the Atramentous,<br />

bathed in Toruk’s flames and manned by the ghastly<br />

undead Revenants.<br />

the AtrAmentous<br />

the sCharde invasions (584–588 ar) are notated as suCh<br />

LargeLy beCause oF the presenCe oF so Many bLaCkships and<br />

their reaver Crews piLLaging the shores oF the MainLand<br />

during these years. the vesseLs were Feared beyond reason,<br />

but aMong theM the AtrAmentous was singuLarLy notorious;<br />

the sea boiLed in its wake and it was responsibLe For the<br />

destruCtion oF Many a seaside viLLage.<br />

Cryxian aggression seeMed to CaLM For soMe tiMe aFter the<br />

sCharde invasions with onLy an oCCasionaL sighting or<br />

happenstanCe throughout the 590s and earLy 600s. in reCent<br />

years More aCCounts oF the dreaded AtrAmentous and other<br />

bLaCkships invading CoMMunities up and down the CoastLine—<br />

espeCiaLLy in Cygnar—have been reported every Few weeks by<br />

FLustered, wiLd-eyed survivors.<br />

Notable Cities<br />

Blackwater<br />

In Power: Lord Craethan Morvaen<br />

Population: 140,000 human (primarily Scharde),<br />

27,000 bogrin, 20,000 trollkin, 8000 Black Ogrun,<br />

2,500 ogrun, 1500 Satyxis, and 500 gobbers. Tens of<br />

thousands more live in the vast ghetto surrounding<br />

the city.<br />

Military: Blackwater has no official garrison or city<br />

watch. Security is provided to those who can afford it<br />

by the numerous mercenary companies that operate<br />

throughout Blackwater. Powerful gangs regularly<br />

patrol their own territories.<br />

Imports: Foodstuffs, plundered goods<br />

Exports: Black market goods, illicit alchemicals<br />

and intoxicants, manufactured goods<br />

The eastern shore of Cryx is cloven by an ominous<br />

fjord with steep cliffs plunging nearly a thousand feet<br />

to the black, lightless water. The bogrin and trollkin<br />

who dwell here say this is where the Devourer Wurm<br />

clamped his jaws to hold Dhunia down as he sired them.<br />

The city of Blackwater nestles on a narrow crescent of<br />

shoreline under the looming black walls of the fjord<br />

and oozes like a fungal growth of brick and rotted<br />

wood over the water where half of the city’s buildings<br />

float on pontoons or perch on stilts. Less than an hour<br />

each day does the light of the sun permeate the fallen,<br />

moss-covered trees over the fjord to touch the city in<br />

the shadows, and rarely is the sky clear of clouds. It is<br />

truly a dark place in both appearance and deed.<br />

Before Toruk’s arrival, Blackwater was a port town<br />

ruled by the legendary Pirate Kings of old, and this<br />

teeming morass of wickedness and depravity has ever<br />

been a source of perverse pride for Cryx. Many vessels<br />

move through the city, flooding it with the plundered<br />

wealth of western Immoren. Over the past centuries<br />

Blackwater’s population has swollen tenfold, and<br />

the city has far exceeded its natural boundaries. To<br />

accommodate this overspill great slums have risen on<br />

the outskirts of the city where the inhabitants live in<br />

squalor and succumb to disease or the predations of<br />

their ill-intentioned neighbors.<br />

Blackwater is a town full of dangers both overt and<br />

hidden. Danger stalks its streets and large sections of<br />

the city are controlled by ruthless gangs of cutthroats<br />

that regularly prey on anyone wandering into their<br />

domain. Gangs, clans, and individuals with the<br />

strength to control their territory or business concerns<br />

dominate life in Blackwater. Pirate captains pay coin to<br />

saloon owners for unwitting, often unconscious, bodies<br />

to press into service while necrotechs prowl the ghetto<br />

in search of ”candidates” for their experiments.<br />

In addition to plundered goods, Blackwater’s flesh<br />

trade attracts all manner of carrion vessels travelling<br />

there to sell putrid wares to the city’s necrotechs.<br />

These slaughter ships gather their dismal cargo in<br />

raids on coastal towns throughout the mainland, and<br />

although a slave trade exists in concert with the meat<br />

markets, most of the flesh exchanged in Blackwater is<br />

dead. Beneath the city, manic necrosurgeons ply their<br />

trade assembling fresh abominations in bloody, chopshop<br />

laboratories.<br />

The city is run by Craethan Morvaen, a powerful<br />

pirate king who claimed the city in a bloody uprising<br />

eight years ago. While not an official representative of<br />

World Guide 319

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