02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing


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370 <strong>Iron</strong> <strong>Kingdoms</strong><br /><br />

to be shapeshifters. The Aegyth have contact with<br />

several other shards within and outside of their tribe<br />

throughout the year. Since they lack a tribal fortress<br />

of their own, the Aegyth Raefyll inhabit seasonal<br />

dwellings: deep caves during the harsh months and a<br />

valley that thaws during the warmer months imparting<br />

them with plenty of vegetation and fresh running<br />

water. They share the valley with the other shards of<br />

their tribe. The Aegyth shard is comprised not only<br />

of tribal hunters but keen traders as well. Throughout<br />

the year they barter goods with other Nyss tribes and,<br />

in turn, trade with humans during the spring and<br />

summer thaw. Members of the shard venture as far<br />

as the Khadoran town of Tverkutsk where they trade<br />

exotic pelts and ivory for as much iron and metal<br />

goods as they can carry in their sled-like carts.<br />

Aegyth Raefyll has 34 members left of its 70<br />

from before all the fighting. The shard is led by<br />

Falcyr Raefyll (female Nyss Sor11) who took it over<br />

after the death of her husband in battle against the<br />

aforementioned savages. She is a potent spellwielder<br />

and a tough negotiator adept at simply staring down<br />

human traders, especially when she feels they are<br />

trying to cheat her. She never meets humans without<br />

her hunting party in tow, and her negotiations have<br />

yet to erupt into hostilities. In truth, the death of her<br />

husband has her feeling grim these days and willing to<br />

take out her grief on anyone.<br />

Dyrth Voassyr: Part of the stern and aggressive<br />

Voassyr tribe, the Dyrth shard is comprised of<br />

renowned hunters who follow the migration of musk<br />

oxen throughout the year, particularly the rare white<br />

ox herd leader—an animal they revere. In trailing<br />

the herd, this shard has been known to venture as<br />

far as the Scarsfell Forest. Along their journeys, the<br />

Dyrth Voassyr take it upon themselves to root out all<br />

encroachers upon Nyss territory—a duty they seem to<br />

relish. When roused to battle they will stop at nothing,<br />

and they are deadly fighters with nearly as much pride<br />

in their fine bows as in their rune-blade claymores.<br />

The shard consists of nine tightly interrelated<br />

families and has over 100 members. Throughout the<br />

year they travel to as many as five tribal fortresses. Most<br />

of these are holdings of the Voassyr only occupied<br />

during certain months of the year. The shard is also<br />

known to make journeys to the fortresses of allied<br />

shards from different tribes in times of need or to<br />

exchange goods and information. Unless they are<br />

between fortresses, the Dyrth split into smaller hunting<br />

parties and leave just a few members behind to care for<br />

their little ones. The hunters can sometimes be gone<br />

for weeks at a time.<br />

The Dyrth Voassyr shard is led by Ryllys Dyvvar<br />

(male Nyss Rgr15), a great hunter in constant<br />

competition with his wife Aelyth Vyr (female Nyss<br />

Rgr10/Sor3). The two regularly lead separate hunting<br />

parties and compare a tally of their kills at shard<br />

gatherings. Aelyth’s uncle Lanae Dyrth (male Nyss<br />

Clr4/Sor9) is the eldest member of the shard. He is<br />

a powerful sorcerer who has lost his sight in recent<br />

years, whereupon he soon thereafter joined the Fane<br />

of Nyssor.<br />

Maelwyrr Aeryn: An ancient shard of the Aeryn<br />

tribe, the Maelwyrr have long served the Fane of<br />

Nyssor. They count a high number of powerful priests<br />

among their members. Though the Maelwyrr share<br />

their administration and guard duties with other<br />

shards from non-related tribes, they are so devoted<br />

to the Winter Father they seldom venture away from<br />

their icy fortress near Nyssor’s palace high in the<br />

Sharde Spires.<br />

The Maelwyrr Aeryn’s numbers are declining of<br />

late. Fewer than fifty of the once numerous winter<br />

elves exist, and few of them are younger than middle<br />

aged with hardly any children. For whatever reason the<br />

Maelwyr are not breeding as they once did, and they<br />

are disinclined to say why. Rather, when not attending<br />

Nyssor’s palace, they hide away in their fortress of<br />

stone and ice.<br />

From the exterior, their fortress is merely a squat,<br />

yet solid structure, but beneath it is a network of<br />

tunnels and chambers cut into the ice. The ingenious<br />

design keeps the interior warm even during the<br />

harshest periods of winter. The heart of the fortress<br />

is a great and delicately beautiful shrine to Nyssor cut<br />

from blocks of ice, and the shard members pray there<br />

at all times, night and day.

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