02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing

02 - Iron Kingdoms W.. - Captain Spud Is Amazing


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In times of need the waterway can close to<br />

incoming traffic via a gate of massive, slow-rusting<br />

iron alloy bars rising from the riverbed on gigantic<br />

chains and gear works. The fortress garrison searches<br />

suspicious ships before being allowing them to journey<br />

onward. Horgenhold integrates an impressive array of<br />

telescopes to watch incoming vessels. A number of fast<br />

river vessels are also kept at the ready in case smugglers<br />

attempt to make a run for it. Since the start of the war,<br />

the fortress’ already large garrison has been heavily<br />

reinforced. Even the Khadorans understand any<br />

attempt to bypass or lay siege to Horgenhold would<br />

come at the loss of a tremendously disproportionate<br />

number of troops.<br />

Foundation: High between the peaks of three of<br />

Rhul’s highest mountains is an enormous crevasse<br />

nearly a mile wide and of uncertain depth. This was<br />

named “Foundation” after the belief that the Great<br />

Fathers climbed through here to Caen from Kharg<br />

Drogun to sire the dwarven race. Ancient shrines<br />

remain at both the west and eastern limits of the<br />

chasm in homage to the Great Fathers, and some<br />

pious dwarves make the pilgrimage to see them. The<br />

crevasse is of interest and concern to both of the<br />

Guard cities being roughly equidistant between them.<br />

There have always been stories of strange creatures<br />

emerging from the many caves in its depths, and<br />

these reports have increased in frequency over the last<br />

couple decades. Some believe the dragon Scaefang, or<br />

Scylfangen to the Rhulfolk, may have made a lair for<br />

itself in the depths of the Foundation.<br />

Lakeforge: As its name suggests, Lakeforge is a<br />

center of industry and more of a shared foundry and<br />

prison than a proper military fortress. Outside of<br />

Ghord, more Rhulic weapons and armor are crafted<br />

at Lakeforge than anywhere in the kingdom. It is also<br />

home to several shipwrights who make sturdy boats to<br />

ply the Armsdeep. Lakeforge is particularly noted for<br />

its excellent cannons built by Master Builder Ortun<br />

Uldar (male dwarf Exp11/Ftr4). Ortun’s Lakeforge<br />

cannons are shipped throughout Rhul and found<br />

anywhere from Griddenguard to Horgenhold.<br />

Leadership of Lakeforge is shared between the<br />

Uldar and Dovor Stone Houses although a dozen<br />

other clans have settled and work the community that<br />

now sprawls around the fortress along with many of<br />

the best ogrun crafters in Rhul. In fact, it is a mark<br />

of distinction to be welcomed at Lakeforge, and new<br />

craftsmen must actually petition to work there. Aside<br />

from this ongoing industry, it is the responsibility of<br />

the defenders at Lakeforge to patrol the Armsdeep<br />

for unauthorized ships or boats—an occurrence very<br />

rare but not unheard of—and guard the few Rhulic<br />

prisoners who are sent to the remote Dungeon Tower<br />

located on a sea stack several hundred yards out in<br />

a surging current of the Armsdeep overlooked by<br />

Lakeforge proper.<br />

The Bloodstone<br />

Marches<br />

No place in western Immoren seems more desolate,<br />

lonely, and forbidding than the Bloodstone Marches.<br />

It is an enormous desert land of parched rock, gravel,<br />

and shifting sands. Its coastline, inhabited in places<br />

by the Protectorate of Menoth, is treacherously<br />

fogbound. The fringes of the coast that are home to<br />

both Sul-Menites and Idrians is a harsh landscape of<br />

desert scrub and rugged brown hills of exposed rock<br />

sandblasted by the wind and backed by a chain of<br />

mountains.<br />

Around the hills stretch wide-ranging plains<br />

scattered with gravel as well as low-lying salt pans<br />

and undulating dunes. It is difficult to say how many<br />

countless broken bones are buried in those sands.<br />

Valleys and deep gorges mark the courses of what<br />

may have been rivers once upon a time. Though<br />

most of them have long since dried, water usually lies<br />

somewhere underground within reach of plant roots,<br />

and in places it rises to the surface as waterholes. One<br />

must have a care at such spots, for dune prowlers (see<br />

entry MN1) often lie in wait for prey around these<br />

watering sites.<br />

The water off the Bloodstone coast is unexpectedly<br />

cool. This chill is due to cold ocean currents that lend<br />

to the coastline its distinguishing fog. Dense banks of<br />

mist usually hang offshore hiding the ocean beyond.<br />

Mariners who skirt the shore in these areas curse the<br />

precarious sea fog known to cut off visibility in mere<br />

seconds. Suddenly blind on a sea of strong currents,<br />

World Guide 363

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